JDog, yes it is a 1953 Willys flatfender lengthened body, on a custom frame, axles, coilovers, etc. I am in the process of building the frame, bumpers, winch mounts, etc.
My shop is my two car garage attached to the house. I live in a residential neighborhood in the city of Santa Rosa. As I said this is my project, and I am not working on it for someone else or making money off of it.
I am no longer building a vehicle in my garage then, it is art work

It just happens to look like a vehicle...pretty cool work of art eh?
What gets me is instead of coming and talking to me they call the police. Although they do call the police for any little thing instead of talking to the neighbors. I.E. my neighbors had a travel trailer parked on the street that was blocking enough of the road, that I walked over and said something. Well they called the police, so the travel trailer owners thought I did it, until I went back again and talked to them.
Thanks for the answers, I will try to find out more of what my local ordinances are. Here is one that I do not like the sound of.
"It is unlawful for any person within any residential area of the City to repair, rebuild or test any motor vehicle in such manner that a reasonable person of normal sensitiveness residing in the area is caused discomfort or annoyance. (Prior code § 27.25)"