Well, not really a question, but a story which you may or may not find amusing...
I had been living and working in Japan, and had a Japanese driver's license, as well as an international license. An international license, if you've never seen one, is a bit larger than a passport, beige/gray in color, and has page after page of stuff in several different languages. I was preparing to visit my folks in California, so when I made my arrangements from Japan, I reserved a Mustang. When I picked it up at LAX, it had 9 miles on the odometer. It was white with maroon interior, and it was a convertible. (God... This car was a beaut!!)
Anyway... I made the 4-hour drive to visit my folks, and at the end of my visit, I was headed back to the airport. This car just wanted to RUN, and I didn't realize how fast I was going. At least, not until I saw the CHiPs' cherries in the rearview mirror. In Japan, they drive on the "British side" of the road, and I was in the left-most lane, so I pulled over the way I normally would, in Japan. (i.e. the median. Stupid, I know...)
The cop parks his motorcycle and walks up. He's wearing the mirrored shades and the spit-shined boots, and I'm thinking, "Oh crap... I'm dead." He asks for my license and registration. I told him that the car was rented, and handed him my Japanese and International licenses. He looks puzzled and asks, "What the hell is THIS?" I explained. He then asked, "Where are you headed?" I told him that I was on my way to the airport to fly back to Japan and he replied, "Well, I guess it wouldn't do any good to write you a ticket now, would it?" Oh holy crap... There's NO WAY I was going to answer THAT! He flipped my licenses back into my lap and said, "Slow it down, Ace! And when a cop pulls you over, pull onto the shoulder instead of the median!" I said, "Yes sir," and drove away feeling relieved. (and chuckling a little... Just a little.)
P.S. If I get pulled over at night, the first thing I do is turn my engine off and put the keys on the dash. Then I turn on the dome light and keep my hands where the officer can see them. (On my head or out the window.) I've found that traffic cops REALLY appreciate this, and most of the time, I don't get a ticket. (Now that I'm driving a slow pig of a Jeep, I don't get pulled over anymore. LOL)
I got pulled over at 9:30 p.m. on a Wednesday night. There was no one else on the highway, and I was doing 72mph in a 65 zone. A state trooper pulled me over and asked where I was coming from and where I was going. I told him that I was on my way home from a business trip to Chicago. He told me that I had been speeding. I told him that I would appreciate it if he didn't write the ticket and that I would slow down. He puffed himself up and said, "Now that wouldn't be fair to everyone else I've written tickets to this evening, now would it?" Then he starts asking me about my Jeep, wanting to know what size lift I have on it, what kind of tires I've got, and what year it is. When he realized that I really didn't want to be his "special buddy," he went back and wrote the ticket. That's the only cop I've ever dealt with, who was just bound and determined to be a turd. He succeeded. Hrmph....