In July Gabriel from Ocean Safari was nice enough to release 9 spots to me for a trip on the Peace to San Miguel. Most of his people are Korean hunters and none of us had any issues with being non-Asians on a predominantly Asian charter.
Hey you're lucky, if I was going to start an Arab/Middle Eastern dive club it would consist of me and Rene(SouthBayRen) and I think that would be it. I think the fact that the potentiality of having to remove your shirt in public and reading in the Sunday morning paper about a big foot sighting and your picture front and center might turn off potential divers that we share this commonality with.
Seriously though I think that an ethnicity focused group can accomplish a lot of good. It gives one the opportunity to gel different aspects of their life and bring it back to something that's very important to most of us, our cultures. It can also be seen as a barrier between the ethnocentric group and the general populous. I think that as long at the group maintains open arms and has some events where everyone is invited, the vibes and the dives will always remain positive. If the Group does down the dark "DIR" (just an example) Elitist mentality then it's unsaid mission statement will not hold true.
Good topic bro! This is a new one for me too. Hey if you do join or start a group, one thing that we all could benefit from is a class on how to be an ethical and responsible hunter and practice logic and protocol which goes for everyone hunting u/w. Wow now I feel the ambien kicking in. Time to stop typing because in 5 minutes I wont be able to understand what'll be written
:banana: iiiiit's peanut butter jelly time! :banana:
:banana: iiiiit's peanut butter jelly time! :banana: