This is a good bunch of divers!!!
While not every dive is a formal learning exercise....
Every dive is a learning exercise....
We either take conrol of the process and direct it....
Or it takes control and directs us....
We can develop good habits and learn new skills....
We can develop bad habits and forget old skills....
We can even do both at the same time....
But we can't remain static....
Such is life and such is diving....
This is a good bunch of divers!!!
While not every dive is a formal learning exercise....
Every dive is a learning exercise....
We either take conrol of the process and direct it....
Or it takes control and directs us....
We can develop good habits and learn new skills....
We can develop bad habits and forget old skills....
We can even do both at the same time....
But we can't remain static....
Such is life and such is diving....
This is a good bunch of divers!!!