Dive Shop J is where I took 3 SDI specialty classes and also took my daughter to get her OW certification. The shop is about a 90 minute drive for me. I completed my checkout dives with them in Florida, not near their shop so I left without my cert cards knowing that Dive Shop J would send them to me. The classes and the dive training seemed adequate but now I can't seem to get them to mail me my cert cards. I've been messaging the shop for a month now. I had even offered to drive down to get them and they said they were already mailed. Well obviously not, I'd have them by now. I could have crawled with the cards in my mouth and gotten here faster. Yes, I have the digital certs, but I also want the physical cards. All told, I've spent $1500 with that shop this year and don't feel I'm being unreasonable in expecting the cards to be mailed to me in a timely fashion.
Am I doing something wrong here? I'm just feeling very frustrated.
It seems like your only issue with Shop J is the mailing of the physical cert cards. But you admit you already have the digital cert cards. Is it possible there's a misunderstanding... that they're thinking you already have the digital certs and don't realize you want physical cards?
Or... is it possible they mailed the paperwork to SDI and it's SDI that is supposed to mail the cards to you? (this is how PADI works... the agency mails the cards to the students). So could it be possible that the shop has done what it was supposed to do?
I'm asking only because it seems Shop J treated you well, except for getting your cards to you, and it seems odd they would do well on the hard stuff and then fail on something so simple.