My wife dives with the Zoop and absolutely loves it. It is, however, almost always more conservative than my Hollis TX-1 and gives her a lot more "warning/violation" beeps for deep stops (Her deep stops are earlier/deeper than mine...GF difference perhaps?), safety stops (more on this in a moment), and ascent/descent rates. I swear her 3 minute safety stop timer is 4 minutes LOL! The Zoop doesn't seem to "start the safety stop timer" until she's right at 15' whereas my TX-1 starts timing at 19'. Also the time allowed for any depth variance seems to be less and resets her counter (so if she drifts down to 20' from 15' for more than ~5-10 seconds without paying close attention and coming back up, it fusses and resets her 3 minute timer. Mine let's me come back up within 60 seconds and continues counting as if nothing happened.) Zoop also seems to fuss more if there is a short (less than 45 minute) surface interval just looking at the warnings/violations on the dive profiles that I download for her logbook.
There is a three-step adjustment for the conservatism if I recall, but I think it is to make it even more conservative than the standard setting. Strangely, the only time it was more "liberal" was on a dive to 100' on day 3 of 2 dives each day ranging from 60-90'. On this 3rd day, at 100' it gave her 15 minutes of No-Deco time and my TX1 gave me a "whopping" 9 minutes in comparison (which she was pleased to tease me about because usually I'm waiting/responding to her and her computer), but I'm assuming that the "accumulation" of profiles from the prior days' dives probably came into play.
That being said, it's been a great bulletproof computer and she absolutely loves it (but she likes the Perdix AI more. LOL!)