are people really this clueless???

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Maybe the American "clueless" is what i would call lazy and selfish.

I can agree that many adults arent more responsible than children, because a lot of them never grew up and now they have children of their own following in their footsteps!! I dont think math is given the same credence as it used to be in school, nor reading and writing. I mean why do you need these things if all you are going to do all day when you graduate high school is move paper around on your desk for one reason or another - what need do these kids think they have for such knowledge????

It is sad to hear of the issues in this thread, but its not surprising either given the way things are going in the rest of these people's lives!

As for taxes, until this year i was only using the EZ form, a quick download of the paperwork off the IRS website, some printing, pushing a few numbers around and it was done in 10 mins - most of that was writing out my personal info and bank details :wink: This year might be different with my wife now included, student loans etc to work with and whatever else comes up.
In my OW class, one kid actually copied all the chapter questions from other students. How crazy is it to not take more interest in the stuff that could cause you to die! The class will not be diving with you everytime.
Next time you go for a cert. take the private course.

I'm already considering it...

Some people are just going to do things their way, and like it or not, it is their time too in a group setting.

However, it is my time as well, and the class isn't the time to be completing work which should have been done prior to class- something you are told when you sign up. I understand needing to do some practice problems, or if you have difficulty with the concepts and need to work on things, but the issue here is not even opening the book. Not even ONE answer was filled in!

I'm not sure if you condone the behavior, but instructors who do aren't helping those prepared, and in the long run they aren't helping the person who doesn't have a clue by coaxing them through the material.
I think this is the perfect quote for this topic:

“On my little knowledge I sit to gauge the depth of my ignorance.”
- Tierno Muhamadu Samba Mombeya
"If this is the case, perhaps people should reschedule and attend a class when they are prepared. "

booth22: In a perfect world I would be prepared for class every time but if I had waited until I "had the time" to do a scuba class I wouldn't have open water certification. Sometimes I wait for them a little, sometimes they wait for me. It works for us. I guess I'm lucky that I'm surrounded by patient folks. Another aspect is that when I arrive for the class I'm there to learn, not to necessarily know it all pre-class. And btw, I'm a high school science teacher so I know the necessity of planning.
I guess I'm lucky that I'm surrounded by patient folks. Another aspect is that when I arrive for the class I'm there to learn, not to necessarily know it all pre-class. And btw, I'm a high school science teacher so I know the necessity of planning.

As a teacher, how do you handle students who don't attempt to do their homework? I find it hard to believe you would accept the behavior of students who didn't make an effort to at least try a homework assignment. I know students don't get sent home, but unless school has changed since I've been there, the teacher didn't walk individuals through the assignment they failed to put effort into while the rest of the class sat there patiently.

I am a very patient person- if you are giving some degree of effort. If you have issue with the tables, I understand and as I did in OW, I'll gladly help out others as much as I can. The issue here is a lack of effort. If you can't even answer one question, even a non-math question, where the answers are in bold print in the book- in a review quiz you do at home (an open book test)- you are lazy!

The point of coming to class to learn- Yes, I do that as well. But the class is in addition to the work you should do at home. Read the book, watch the dvd, complete the quizes. If you have an issue with a section, bring it up in class. If you want extra practice with the tables, that is good thing to do in class. What isn't a good thing to do is open the book for the first time when you get to class, try and remember how to use a table from OW class, and try to make up answers to the quizes as the instructor is introducing himself.
Orlando Eric:
Things I have heard from Ceritified divers: "I love my computer I just strap it on and jump in.. it even figures my mix for me." "I think I figured out how to read my computer"

Where do I get one of these "figure out my mix" computers? :confused: :lol:

For years I have believed that modern medical advances and fertility treatments have sent the human race into a backwards evolutionary spiral. This tread gives me new hope. Perhaps there's still a chance to clear out the shallow end of the gene pool. We just need to get them into SCUBA before they reproduce.

(note to humor-impaired. the above is sarcasm. my honest hope is that they DON'T get into SCUBA)
booth22: You and I are mostly in agreement though it may not seem so to you at the moment. I do like for my students to be prepared and some are. They have 8 classes per student. I like to be prepared myself when I go to dive class and I am most of the time. It's not a big deal to us, we all manage. I have been frustrated at times by the others but I just breathe deeply and be glad I got mine done:)). Happy diving.
"If this is the case, perhaps people should reschedule and attend a class when they are prepared. "

booth22: In a perfect world I would be prepared for class every time but if I had waited until I "had the time" to do a scuba class I wouldn't have open water certification. Sometimes I wait for them a little, sometimes they wait for me. It works for us. I guess I'm lucky that I'm surrounded by patient folks. Another aspect is that when I arrive for the class I'm there to learn, not to necessarily know it all pre-class. And btw, I'm a high school science teacher so I know the necessity of planning.

Sorry, but that's just a lame excuse. I have a family, a *very* time-consuming job (80+ hrs/week isn't uncommon a lot of the time) and other interests that take time. I still found the time to be completely prepared for my OW, AOW and nitrox classes. All KR's were done, all videos watched and I had read every chapter completely. If the expectation is that you have done this for the class ahead of time, it is unfair to expect you are somehow not required to do it because you are too busy. If that is really the case, maybe you don't have enough time for diving realistically. You *make* the time for what is important and forego things that really aren't. I certainly wouldn't dive with anyone that I felt wasn't serious about understanding what they were doing as completely as possible.

I don't mind people having questions or not understanding the material but expecting the rest of us that *did* take the time to prepare to sit around while you learn what you should have (and were asked to) beforehand is ludicrous. Even more importantly, this typically isn't material that you should have a passing understanding of given that it can easily be the thing that keeps you alive.

No intent to flame here but what you are saying really makes no sense to me. :confused:
Flame away EvilSlumLord, you do classes there, I'll do them here, we're both happy.

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