Bill, you are such a negative downer. How about looking at it this way:drbill:Of course masks are over-priced, but you have to understand the economics of them. Let's say a company sells 2 million masks a year for $100 each. About half that goes to the retailer, maybe 10% to the wholesaler/rep. That leaves only $40 net to the manufacturer. The workers who make the masks get minimum wage for whatever country they live in, so that knocks off another $1-2 per mask leaving just $38-39. Incorporating salary, stock options and amortized severance pay, the CEO of the company gets $35 per mask sold. That only leaves a paltry profit of $3-4 per mask. It's a wonder companies continue to manufacture them at all.
I have had three masks (ok, 4 if you count the backup) in over 2,500 dives.. so that is, at around $45 per mask, $.072 per dive. The mask defog costs more than that. An one of them is new, so I should get another 1,000 or so, which would reduce the cost down to just over 5 cents per dive. I've spent more on almost all the other equipment I use.