Are Deep Dive and/or Wreck Dive specialties necessary?

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There's only one of me.

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He he... a bit hard to understand a thumbs down for a suggestion asking the dive operator if they allow solo diving (and depth limits etc). Some do, and some others don't. Guess that common sense... And I guess that is what the person behind this thread is also trying to find out by asking people's experiences. ✌️
He he... a bit hard to understand a thumbs down for a suggestion asking the dive operator if they allow solo diving (and depth limits etc). Some do, and some others don't. Guess that common sense... And I guess that is what the person behind this thread is also trying to find out by asking people's experiences. ✌️
let me help you out so will you solo dive and deep dive if you just a regular diver and not a dive operator who run a business?
let me help you out so will you solo dive and deep dive if you just a regular diver and not a dive operator who run a business?
I see where you're going with this, excellent point and I think we both already know the answer.

But I'll bet you won't get an answer from her.
It's not a matter of agreeing or disagreeing, it's simply a matter of policy.

You wrote "Customer is not always right". I figure you've always worked a 9-5 job and taken home a regular paycheck. You don't even begin to understand what that term is supposed to mean.

Let me try to clarify for you. If a business owner treats their customers as if they're the ones in the wrong, the customer is going to go somewhere where they are treated properly and respectfully. Now sometimes there are very unreasonable customers and the business must make the difficult decision to turn them away and face the backlash from doing so. But those are typically extreme cases.

Requesting a dive charter to respect a hard earned and deserved certification isn't "being wrong".
I had no idea what is 9-5 job!!! I had never ever worked for anyone with inferior academic qualification than I.
Customers is NOT always right. PERIOD.
We had competitors in our business but we never ever bowed to their unreasonable demand. So they gone but we couldn't careless. Because we had a good reputation in our business.
Never ever assumed anything in life.
let me help you out so will you solo dive and deep dive if you just a regular diver and not a dive operator who run a business?
Why am i quoted in this post?
Why is the other person quoted twice?
Let's see if I can clarify it for you since you aren't grasping what should be a simple concept.

The solo/self reliant diver certification is taught and recognized by scuba diving organizations around the world as well as countless dive operators around the globe. Divers spend a lot of their hard earned cash and valuable time to achieve this certification to expand their diving options and experiences.

When a closeminded and overly restrictive individual such as yourself who makes an absurd comment to the effect of "No way solo Full Stop!" it's a clear message that you don't respect a diver's hard earned certifications nor their skills that can be demonstrated during a checkout dive.
Maybe check your tone at the door? It seems some solo divers are very sensitive about their "right to solo dive". Anyone can do whatever they want on their own time, in their own boat, diving on their own. When you dive with an operator, they get to decide what goes - regardless of your certifications or experience. If you don't like it, find another operator.

If that's the case she could have easily stated "I don't permit solo diving or deep air because it's contrary to GUI standards". That's what teachers and instructors do, they don't just say something, they explain why it's that way. As opposed to the rather irritating way of delivering it with that nonsensical slang term "Full stop!" which conveys the message that the person saying it can't be bothered or is actually angry about it being even brought up for discussion in the first place.
This is not a class, and nothing is being taught. If you read the post again it stated clearly "If you ask me...". And saying "Full Stop" usually implies that there are no exceptions and no arguing, in this case it might imply that solo diving would not be allowed regardless of certification - it is not rude, irritating, angry or nonsensical. It's just a way of saying "my boat - my rules". Do you really get this hostile just because you're not allowed to argue about the rules of an operator?

let me help you out so will you solo dive and deep dive if you just a regular diver and not a dive operator who run a business?
I see where you're going with this, excellent point and I think we both already know the answer.

But I'll bet you won't get an answer from her.
Actually let me help both of you out...

1. Annika is an incredible diver and instructor. Cave, Technical, Recreational. She's also an instructor trainer and instructor evaluator for GUE. She also happens to be extremely friendly and helpful. She doesn't post a lot, because she's out diving and teaching just about every day. I took Fundies and Tech 1 with her, and I would recommend her to anyone looking for top quality training. Your condescending replies are very misplaced.

2. Solo diving and deep air diving are not compatible with GUE philosophy and standards – it's obvious that a GUE instructor, not to mention IT/IE, would not endorse these practices or partake in them. It's equally obvious that a GUE dive operator would not allow it.

3. The advice to directly ask each dive operator you consider using about their practices and requirements is also a good one. Yes, it's also helpful to hear about other peoples experiences in different places in the world to get a feel for it, but you already had a bit of that in this thread, and the advice still holds up.

4. Check your prejudices and gender biases. I wonder if you would have been as rude/hostile/condescending to John Kendall or Jon Kieren if they gave a similar reply.
Maybe check your tone at the door? It seems some solo divers are very sensitive about their "right to solo dive". Anyone can do whatever they want on their own time, in their own boat, diving on their own. When you dive with an operator, they get to decide what goes - regardless of your certifications or experience. If you don't like it, find another operator.

This is not a class, and nothing is being taught. If you read the post again it stated clearly "If you ask me...". And saying "Full Stop" usually implies that there are no exceptions and no arguing, in this case it might imply that solo diving would not be allowed regardless of certification - it is not rude, irritating, angry or nonsensical. It's just a way of saying "my boat - my rules". Do you really get this hostile just because you're not allowed to argue about the rules of an operator?

Actually let me help both of you out...

1. Annika is an incredible diver and instructor. Cave, Technical, Recreational. She's also an instructor trainer and instructor evaluator for GUE. She also happens to be extremely friendly and helpful. She doesn't post a lot, because she's out diving and teaching just about every day. I took Fundies and Tech 1 with her, and I would recommend her to anyone looking for top quality training. Your condescending replies are very misplaced.

2. Solo diving and deep air diving are not compatible with GUE philosophy and standards – it's obvious that a GUE instructor, not to mention IT/IE, would not endorse these practices or partake in them. It's equally obvious that a GUE dive operator would not allow it.

3. The advice to directly ask each dive operator you consider using about their practices and requirements is also a good one. Yes, it's also helpful to hear about other peoples experiences in different places in the world to get a feel for it, but you already had a bit of that in this thread, and the advice still holds up.

4. Check your prejudices and gender biases. I wonder if you would have been as rude/hostile/condescending to John Kendall or Jon Kieren if they gave a

i can understand being upset if a diver pays a lot of money and spends a lot of time training ect to get a certain cert, only to be told they cannot use it. but unfortunately, that is often the reality.

we often hear comments from divers who got the solo cert, about how they were not allowed to dive solo. i think the bottom line is what has been repeated in this thread more than a few is up to the dive op or charter service to decide who dives and who doesn't. it is also up to those businesses, what type of diving they will allow if you choose their services.

i am quite sure not every dive op in the world will take out rebreather divers, or cave divers, or divers who want to penetrate a certain wreck.
and i can tell you from past experience that not all dive ops will allow double tank sidemount either. even if you have the cert.
on grand cayman (just as an example) solo diving is not legal. or at least that was the case previously. that may have changed.

when i worked for my local shop, we ran divers out to the wrecks in our area (no penetration). the waters here can be extremely cold and dark. it is challenging. we turned away many non local divers who showed up asking to dive with us. they all were ow certified. but we were not going to take the risk on a diver who had never been diving anywhere but the caribbean in a 3mm shorty. some were disappointed. oh well.
Yes, this theme has been discussed many times from many angles. If you want a card because a dive op won't let you do some dive without it, just check your ego at the door, dig into the wallet like you do for all that other unnecessary stuff you buy, and take the cert course. If you want to learn to do deep dives or wreck penetrations with maximum safety, there is a course that will teach you. The two are often not the same.

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