now aside from that, have any of you actually had REAL life experience with the octo+ or been on a dive with someone who was using one ever been in a situation where the use of an octo+ lead to the detriment of that diver or his/her buddy?
I have.
I had a DM some years ago that insisted on using one of those things. I expressed my concerns and at my urging spent some time practicing with it even.
Some time later a students husband was tagging along witha class I was teaching and my wife sinaled me that he was low on air.
I checked his air and took the group to an up-line and got them to about 20 ft before I had the DM with the air 2 donate gas to him. I had a class to look out for and didn't want to be tied to some OOA gamoke.
Anyway they had several minutes of safety stop time to think about their final ascent. When the started up they got going too fast and I saw the DM searching on his shoulder for his deflatoe which of course was in his mouth.
An emergency is not time to have to do simple things that you do all the time diferent. You want to take advantage of muscle memory rather than having it worg against you. Inflators belong in your hand and not in your mouth.
I prefer to use a long enough hose on my primary to effectively share air with it since that's what some one will grab anyway. I want my alternate to be a hight quality reg and I want it right under my chin. In a pinch I can even get it in my mouth wothout using my hands.
This way my ascent is always done the same regardless of what reg I'm breathing on. The only thing that changes is what has to change and it doesn't effect anything else.
The air 2 type devices fix a problem that wouldnt exist if hoses were routed right in the first place. They then create a host of other issues.
The first counter arguement people use is to say that they practice with it. So...You practice doing things with your inflator in your hand more than you do with it in your mouth.
A second is the arguement that they can dump with a one of their pull-shoulder dumps...another thing that we don't need plastered all over a bc. Again they fill a need that just doesn't exist, IMO
A third is that they can dump just fine with the thing in their mouth...well maybe if you're totally vertical...but that's a whole other issue.