You forgot about the lady who sued Jack Daniels because she drank a bottle everyday during her pregancy and her child was born rather messed up.
Or the guy that turned off his chains saw and tried to stop the blade faster with his hand...and lost all his fingers.
The guy who sued because he bought a new Winabago and turned on the cruise control. Then went in the back to make coffee because he thought the cruise control was an "auto pilot" of some kind. He won the law suit.
Jim Carrie movies???
O and lets not forget George Bush....
Americans aren't mad, they are freakin stupid!!!
Although your right, I should not judge an entire society based on the actions of a few hundred thousand idiots.
Or the guy that turned off his chains saw and tried to stop the blade faster with his hand...and lost all his fingers.
The guy who sued because he bought a new Winabago and turned on the cruise control. Then went in the back to make coffee because he thought the cruise control was an "auto pilot" of some kind. He won the law suit.
Jim Carrie movies???
O and lets not forget George Bush....
Americans aren't mad, they are freakin stupid!!!
Although your right, I should not judge an entire society based on the actions of a few hundred thousand idiots.