wettek:Hey guys.
I am currently using a set of Atomic splits, but am seriously thinking about a set of the Bios. Question though, do the XTs, have the same effect on air consumption as the standard Bios? I am concerned that being stiffer, they may use more air than the standards, and after shelling out $380 AUS, I will not notice any difference from my Atomics. Anybody reckon I'll notice a difference anyway? I do love my Atomics, but figure if I can drop my air consumption a bit more it's gotta be a good thing. Thanks.
wettek: The standard Atomic splits are quite stiff; about the same as the bio-fin XT's. IMHO you would not notice much difference in air consumption if you moved to the XT model. You may notice a difference in foot pocket comfort, a shorter blade etc.
The original bio-fin pro has the least resistance and normally gets the best marks for less effort and lower air consumption. If you are happy with your Atomics I might sugggest you stick with them. If you dive with a mate with a pair of bio-fin pro's maybe you could switch off and see what you think. In the meantime, you have a very good pair of fins.