DiveMaven:I was a competitive swimmer for nearly 15 years, thus my kicks are so natural and automatic that the idea of modifying them to make a pair of fins "work" doesn't hold any appeal for me. I have an extremely strong flutter kick, as well as prefer to frog kick as much as possible while diving. I can't even begin to tell you how horrible the splits felt when I tried to frog kick in them!! It was much easier to find a fin that fit my style of kicking, which is what I did.
I swam competitively for 8 years and had the opposite effect. I prefered the shorter kick stroke with splits because it was closer to the way I raced freestyle. I didn't do large, wide, extended kicks while doing that stroke like the ones you need to dive blade fins, but rather quick short strokes similar to the flutter kick needed for the splits. Due to that, I turn on the freestyle kick in the Apollos and I'm gone. Feels natural to me.
And I wanted to disagree on the acquired taste statment mentioned earlier in the thread about split fins. My assertion is if you took people who have not previously formulated an opinion on fins and put them in a pool with a set of Mares Volo Power and a set of Apollo Bio-fins; that the Apollos would be chosen at a very high percentage point. The people who have to acquire the split taste are those who have spent years diving blades, imo.
But I agree with the previous poster, fins seem to be about as subjective as you can get in diving. People just like what they like, and that's perfectly cool.