Apocalypto....I am now officially "Violenced OUT"

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I thought Apocalypto was a really great movie. We hear about all the human sacrifices from that part of the world, but I've never really imagined it in context.

If you want to see something completely different Catherine - no violence......very powerful......check out "Once".
Solar eclipse happens at the new moon; full moon is about 15 days later. The ship was Spanish; Spanish explorer/conquerers of the 16th century were dubbed Conquistadors, so, yes, I think they'd qualify.
I'm a pretty awful filmwatcher, as my BS meter gets pegged with gross historical inaccuracies, errors in physics or physiology or astronomical impossibilities, and I can't help saying something about it. When Top Gun came out the Lovely Young Kat & I went to see it in Garmisch-Partenkirchen... about halfway through the movie she elbowed me in the side and whispered "if you say bull**** one more time this coke's going down your back!"

man you must have been POed while watching Ben Hur :wink: (i.e. Rolex)
I liked Passion of the Christ and being a gentile, I never understood all the fuss aboot it. I didn't get out of the theater shouting anti-semitic slogans :sigh: But if I'd be a roman descendant, i'd be pissed they were portrayed as stupid brutes.:wink:

I also liked Apocalypto. I tought the solar eclipse part was too close to Tintin's adventures but it didn't bother me. Violence? it existed in these days and it still exists in some parts of the world and in many prisons, without naming any... Having visited many mayan ruins and cenotes, it was special to see a movie about what I had imagined while in these areas.

btw, I also liked the fact that both films were in dead (or almost dead) languages. It put me in a very special state of mind and brought me in those specific times. For me, that's one of the biggest accomplishement of Mel.

The part that touched me the most in POTC is the part where Mary goes to Jesus who is falling and has flashbacks about times when he would fall as an infant. As a young father when the movie got out, this scene got to me big time and still gives me the chills. I saw the "human" side of the story. A mother's (parent) despair seeing her son in immense suffering and about to die.

The Road Warrior rules :D
I don't know... I liked "Thunderdome" better. :wink:

Thunderdome is just BS.

The Mel movies: Braveheart, etc. are the real deal. Some may dislike the violence, maybe they just enjoy watching the soprano's etc. The facts are that Mel Gibson, despite the gore, does get it right.
I think Mel Gibson is just friggin' deranged. "Signs" was the first "sign" of it. "The Passion Of The Christ," was just gratuitous and barbaric. This latest movie looks to be more of the same... Ick... :shakehead:

Scourging and crucifiction was barbaric. Scripture says Christ was not even recognizable as a human being after His scourging so I think Mel actually toned it down just a bit.
k... Thanks. I didn't realize that my personal opinion and tastes were so asinine and screwed up. I'll have to work on that.

Noone, at least not I, said you personal opinion and tastes were so asinine and screwed up. I am curious to know though if you would also find Hostel, Wolf Creek, Saw and the like to be, shall we say, not particularly in good taste. Personally I cannot watch The Passion after having seen it the first time; I am not likely to ever watch Apocalypto.
I didn't see those movies, either. I think the last violent movie I watched was "Pulp Fiction," or "TPOTC."

I don't watch television, and rarely watch movies. I either read books or else work on music.

An interesting side note on the topic: I was at a mall, some years ago, and a local artist had his work displayed in the promenade. I walked over to have a look. There were images of blood-encrusted nails, images of Jesus with the crown of thorns jammed down on his head with blood running down his face, images of his back with bleeding, swollen scourge marks all over it, and images of him nailed to the cross.

I guess some people might have thought it humbling, or maybe it inspired gratitude and feelings of reverence. Personally, I found it barbaric, offensive, and an attempt at manipulating people at an emotional level. Somehow, these images are accepted as a matter of course in our society, but heaven forbid, a woman actually breastfeed her infant in public. Oh, the horror!!

It's twisted.

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