Any Ideas Guys?

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I Have looked but the problem with the internships is they I have to retake all my certs through the school in order to be counted toward course credit. Stupid you say yes I know but I don't make the rules I just follow them. With the lack of pay I would still be in dept to the school and not able to return till i pay it off.

This has literally made my week.
No one has mentioned ROTC; I do not know if your school offers, or is affiliated with a NROTC school, you may want to look into it ( of course you then have that obligation)

NROTC has the Marine option also, or there is the Marine Corps OCS/PLC program which used to offer tuition.

For aquaregia: the only reasonable way to pay for school is to have wealthy parents, go to whatever school offers you a scholarship, or put it off while you save the money.

I worked my tail off to earn a Master's and PhD as a police officer, without incurring any debt. My wife earned her Master's contiguous with my schooling.

We had a couple of kids in the mix also. I wrote most of my dissertation with one hand while my youngest sat on my lap. Her bedtime stories were from Campbell and Stanley on experimental and quasi experimental methodology...

It can be done, it just takes planning and a willingness to sacrifice
I was in the Military already its paying for part of my school USMC CPL 6541.
Has anyone maybe thought that this OP is actually intentionally giving you grammar FOD so that you keep giving him attention and BS solutions? If the guy is for real he should have had the lead part in Full Metal Jacket.
Abaco24 go do somthing else like like put your wieght belt jump off a boat thanks :dork2:
Wow back to the grammar thing. Do 100 right things and there overlooked do 1 wrong thing and it last forever. I agian repeat this post is not about grammar but about how to.
I'm sorry that was kind of harsh but it’s true. You’re going to have work and get through it and go to school at same time. I did and a lot of folks on this board did as well. I even had to go back to school in the middle of my career following a major accident that almost cost me my legs. But I did it. I know market is tough right now but someone out there needs help. It really is not a lot of money you mention by today’s standards either. I went to school 40+ hours a week and worked more than 40 per week plus made time for study. It can be done and you’ll have to make some sacrifices. Trust me I learned to bologna sandwiches but I survived.

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