Be great if any time this Bonaire (in)security topic came up folks would state how much time they have spent on Bonaire and how much property they have personally had stolen or damaged. Sure, say what you like, free country and all that, but for any other folks out there who contemplate going yet wonder about "all the talk" of crime it's mostly just that. Talk. And all too often it's from folks who haven't been there. (No, I am not saying there isn't
any crime but sheesh, give it a rest.)
Now if you have been there and got ripped off ok, I understand why you wouldn't go back. I even understand the need to warn others, if you
really think crime is a problem there that you have had personal experience with. Still, don't you wonder a little bit why there are so many, many posts from folks who have been there (like myself, 6 wks in the last 2 years) and who can't wait to get back (my next 2 wks comes up in April)? It isn't about trying to be hush hush to hide a "serious crime problem". It isn't because we are all oblivious tourists. It's about trying to keep a sensible perspective on a great place.
Sorry if this sounds personal, it's not meant to be but comments like "If Bonaire were located on the mainland" ( couldn't leave your keys in the ignition) are just so specious they punch my rant button.
It's ok though, it's ok. Honest. My breaths are slowing, bp is dropping. Oh what the heck, say whatever ya want. At least come April I can go back there and relax-- maybe even chuckle about what a silly species we can be sometimes. // ww