@Daedalus I'm well aware of how this can end poorly from a land rights standpoint, but that has no bearing on whether his certification level was a significant factor leading to this incident. If he was full cave, all the media would say is that this is the third diver death in less than 3 months at that cave and that it should be closed because f*cking idiots like the father/son incidents family are trying to get the site closed because they can't accept that their family members were morons and killed themselves, not the cave. Look back to the incident the CDS just finished fighting where someone trespassed on the property, died, and his family sued when he wasn't qualified. Certification level isn't going to do anything about whether they try to close it or not. Best case is nothing changes because this guys family isn't a bunch of selfish, ignorant, litigious morons. Least worst case we end up with something like Peaock or JB where you have to display certification and sign a waiver, not the end of the world. Worst case they close it again, but I think there is enough out there to keep it from happening.