Another choose my first reg thread - Deep6 or XTX50?

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1) Route the 40" hose on a side port and under my arm? - This seems to exert a rotational torque on the mouthpiece while it's in my mouth. Assume a 90deg bend will solve this, but it seems like under the arm is not the most natural routing with the hose going in to the side of the 1st stage. maybe I'm just making this up...
I've seen a local diver use a side port but with an angled adapter there as well as at the mouth piece. This routing is practically the same as what you describe in point 2 .i.e. using the bottom port and I'm guessing the setup I saw didn't have a bottom port to begin with.

4) Seems like a 7' hose routed from the bottom port is really the most streamlined as it exhibits 1) no torque 2) no bowing and 3) no issues in an air sharing situation. My LDS sells a delrin rod you can use in lieu of a canister light to capture the hose. What about just tucking the end of the loop inside the front (right of center, I guess) of my waist belt of my back plate?
7' hose from a side port works fine for me - there's enough length to play with that bowing or torque is not an issue. As RainPilot mentioned, try looping in your belt first and see if that works for you. It only works for me in a wetsuit and I tuck it at my right hip, not near the buckle. With a drysuit, I have to use either a can light or the rod - belt tuck just didn't work for me.
Ah, I've never seen a right angle adapter on the first stage side of the hose. That sounds pretty good.
I currently use a 40" under arm with a 70 degree adapter, I tried a 90 but prefer the 70. When I use 5' and 7' hoses I also use a 70 adapter, I find it more comfortable. I only dive OW Rec so am not concerned with this additional "failure" point.
I'm not sure what you mean by side or bottom. It's pretty common to use a port on the turret (not the 5th port) for the 40" hose and route it under arm with a 90deg adapter at the reg.

You don't need to tuck a 40" hose.

Grey hose = side port

Black hose = bottom port

I ordered a 7' hose to try out and a ball joint swivel that I assume goes to at least 70deg. Unfortunately, it wont be here for my trip to the channel islands this weekend. I think with the 40" hose and the swivel, it wont much matter which port I use. With the 7' hose, it seems clear that the "bottom" port is better.

Deep6 customer service is second to none. I've had a couple lengthy conversations with Landon just nerding out on diving and they're clearly doing all they can to make every customer happy. They're also clearly still a very small operation. They're arranging to send me a Din-Yoke adapter in light of the order mistake in sending me a DIN first stage (yes, many of you will consider this divine intervention).

Get to breathe my new regs tomorrow!
I learned about the existence of Deep 6 through this thread, and ended up snagging the DIN single tank package Black Friday deal. These are my first regs. As a generally DIY-minded person, I appreciate the company's attitude towards servicing, and also the fact that the first service is free. Previously, I was looking at some used regs, but once I factored in the cost of getting them serviced, it wasn't a huge saving. It's funny, because I told one of the sellers that I'd bought new Deep 6 regs instead, and he told me that he had recently bought two sets.
@JRCrab - FWIW I use a 40" hose from a side port with a 90° bend at the second stage and the hose routed under the arm. It feels perfect for me and there's no torque at all on the mouth piece.
First, why are you getting a 7' hose? Are you doing wreck penetration or cave diving? Other than those two events it is more of a pain in the ass than it is worth. The streamlined OW package (40" hose on a 90* elbow at the second stage) has gotten that name for a reason, it is VERY streamlined! As always you can dive whatever you want and people will have opinions but reinventing the wheel every time someone gets a car is an exercise in futility.

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