hmmm... interesting thoughts on the 5' vs 7'... i think we're average height (5'10" and 5'11"), slim built... should the 5' be good for my height?
I'm a couple of inches shorter, medium build, and 5 ft works fine for me. I do have a 1st stage with a turret and end port, so that adds a couple inches. Taping together hoses and trying it on land won't tell you much; you need to dive with the set up to know. The easiest way to get the best length is to buy a hose coupler for a few bucks, and experiment with coupling together hoses of different lengths. I suspect that 5'6" would be a popular size for larger folks for whom the 5 ft hose is too short. How high you mount the tank is another factor. For example, you could easily find a 36" and 28" hose, couple them together, and end up with just under 5'6".
Eventually there will be stock hoses at 5', 5'6", 6', etc... but for now, once you find the right length you can order a custom length hose. It won't be too expensive. Or you can live on the edge and just use the two hoses together. It does add 2 o-rings, whoop-de-do.