I thought it was a pretty odd description as well for the people to say they thought he might have ditched his gear to chase a fish. I was simply relaying what was said to me which was also speculation. From what they told me his gear was not tangled in anything. I believe thats why they speculated about ditching it.
Never the less..... I hope his family can cope with the hard times they are facing. When it is all said and done it really doesn't matter why it happened, just that it happened and now his loved ones have to deal with it.
The press doesn't know how to write about scuba diving accidents. When we return to the boat with 500 psi in our tanks, we are running low on air, but not in a life threatening situation as implied in the article. I have no idea what happened, but it sounds to me like the diver became entangled on the wreck, ditched his gear and didn't make it to the surface. That's pure speculation on my part. I know many divers that spear, and I don't know a single one that would willingly take their gear off and go in a wreck after a fish, doesn't make since to me. Hopefully we can all learn from the accident investigation. In the meantime, my thoughts and prayers go out to friends and family of the deceased.almtree: Bob
I thought it was a pretty odd description as well for the people to say they thought he might have ditched his gear to chase a fish. I was simply relaying what was said to me which was also speculation. From what they told me his gear was not tangled in anything. I believe thats why they speculated about ditching it.
Never the less..... I hope his family can cope with the hard times they are facing. When it is all said and done it really doesn't matter why it happened, just that it happened and now his loved ones have to deal with it.