It really helps. Your technique sounds like a good way to go.
Depth and Pressure monitored by analog and digital device and redundancy in both areas too.
Regarding the wireless AI is there any downside to it? I remembered reading that wireless AI works well in most situation excepts behind scooter, as its magnetic will interfere with the link. That's about the only downside I know.
Also, any brand/model is appreciated
Thank you
Sure. During my research on computers I narrowed down my options to 3 computers. All of which I believe are very good computers.
DiveRite Nitek Q ($400), Shearwater Petrel ($750) and Mares Icon HD ($500). I ended up purchasing the Mares Icon new on sale for $700 including the wireless transmitter ($200).
I'll break down why I made that decision in a few categories with some pros and cons. Note, there may be some other good options, but these three were the ones I settled on comparing.
Display: The Icon display is better than the other two. I can glance at the computer and immediately process all important dive data without having to think about it. The color coding really helps to distinguish what's what. I found the Nitekq to be the worse of the three with the very blah yellow display. It reminded me of an old DOS computer display. The Petrel display is nice, but still doesn't compare to the Icon.
AI: Neither the Petrel and Nitekq are air integrated computers. That was probably the biggest reason for not choosing one of them. It doesn't make them a bad computer, but for me personally I really like the AI. I like that I can look at one source and know exactly what my status is during the dive. This is especially useful for hunting and photography as you are already task loaded with that activity. I also felt as a new diver the AI would be beneficial to me as a redundancy with my SPG. There's a lot to process for a new diver and I liked some of the safety net features the AI provides. To answer your question about AI and scooters, I do not know if a scooter would effect AI as I have not used a scooter yet.
Gas Type/Switching: Clearly the Nitekq is the leader when it comes to Gas Switching. You can program 7 different mixes. Both the Petrel and Icon allow for 3 gases. In terms of gas type, the Petrel and Nitekq beat the Icon since the Icon is not a Trimix computer. This is a non issue if you don't intend on diving trimix. I hope Mares will add Trimix capability with a future firmware update. I should also note the Nitekq and Petrel support closed circuit rebreathers while the Icon does not. Again this is a non issue if you never decide to use CCR's.
Features: The Icon has a couple distinct features the other two do not. One is the ability to store images. Some may question whether this is a worthwhile feature and IMO, it is. Here's an example, on a recent spearfishing trip the feature came in very handy. When we were coming in we were stopped by FWC. Naturally they asked for everyone's drivers and fishing license. Everyone on the boat was scrambling to find there wallets, meanwhile I just pulled it up on my computer and presented my licenses (I did not nor needed to bring my wallet). I also store my health insurance card, DAN card, and a credit card on the computer. Second is the ability to store maps. Especially wreck maps that can be pulled up during a dive. If you take a wreck dive course you will learn to draw a map survey of the wreck on a slate or wet notes. This is good, but doesn't compare to having a digitally produced map with all important data about the wreck.
Connectivity: The Icon and Nitekq includes a USB connector which also serves as the battery charger. The Petrel uses included Bluetooth. This didn't impact my decision.
Battery: I give a slight advantage to the Nitekq and Petrel since they have user replaceable batteries whereas the Icon has a rechargeable battery that must be factory replaced at around 500 charge cycles. The Nitekq battery is also rechargable and is supposed to last approximately 300 charge cycles.
In summary these were the major things I considered. Again this is my opinion and some may disagree with my reasoning. There also may be other computers that are worth considering. At the end of the day though and again in my opinion, if Mares adds Trimix to the Icon, it will be the perfect computer. I'd also like to see a brass and chrome transmitter.
One final point. Since Mares has other computers I can add a backup computer like the Mares Puck for example and both will be running the same algorithm and theoretically should calculate my dive the same. And since I can buy one for ~$150, that's a pretty inexpensive backup. I'll also note for the sake of this conversation I purchased the DiveRite brass and glass SPG.
Again, I hope this helps. I knows it's a long post, but I'm home sick and lost my voice at the Bucs vs Falcons game yesterday so I've got nothing better to do.