Yes, I'm familiar with the different reports of how narcosis effects people. Dark narc, euphoric narc, delayed response, etc.
My first dive was 100 ft. Zero viz (flash lights gave about 10 ft. at the hot spot at any depth, tannic water) and ~65 F at Hudson Grotto. I wasn't stressed, wasn't sad, wasn't overly happy. I was enjoying and focused on my dive. We were given math problems that I completed at an equal rate compared to doing it topside. I'm not unequivocally stating I was not under some level of narcosis, but there was no evidence to suggest I was. I've read about the correlation between having a high alcohol tolerance and perhaps that's why I've "yet" to feel the effects. The other two dives were at Blue Grotto. 100 ft. Great viz (flashlights in the cavern, clear water) and ~72 F. Nothing special. We followed the guide line into and out of the cavern. Again I did not notice any change in my mental state or typical dive behavior. Maintained buoyancy, monitored gas, etc. No skills test though.
Honestly, I was looking forward to experience it. I want to know what it feels like and how it effects me. I especially would prefer to experience it in the presence of an instructor, but not this time.