analog vs digital gauge (SPG vs Air Integrated Dive Computer)

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It doesn't matter how narc'd you feel. What matters is how you react when the crap hits the fan at 100 feet. Or even shallower. You don't have to go to 100. I've personally seen people impaired enough to elevate the risk level to an unacceptable point at 70. Then appear perfectly fine on another dive another day to 110 ft. There are no absolutes when it comes to narcosis other than at some point it does occur.
Yes, after 3 dives to 100 ft. in my very short diving career with mixes being between 23 and 30 I still have yet to recognize myself feeling narc'd. Who says partying hard in college won't pay off later on in life. lol

Do some forum Searching for Narcosis. I believe I've read reports here of people acting confused at depth, apathetic or in one case someone back on the boat amnestic about segments of the dive yet unaware she was impaired. Some people need a timed task to perform at depth vs. the surface to see an effect.

Also, strange as it may sound, the impact of the dive environment may be different if it's cold, dark, stressful, etc..., IIRC. What conditions did you dive deep in?

I've had 2 dives to the recreational limit (& a tad further); Oil Slick Leap in Bonaire & the Blue Hole of Belize. I've had some roughly 90 - 102 feet (or so) quarry dives locally, with water down in the 40's, mostly solo. The latter were more stressful despite adequate exposure protection, & accepting that any dive can potentially get dangerous.

Yes, I'm familiar with the different reports of how narcosis effects people. Dark narc, euphoric narc, delayed response, etc.

My first dive was 100 ft. Zero viz (flash lights gave about 10 ft. at the hot spot at any depth, tannic water) and ~65 F at Hudson Grotto. I wasn't stressed, wasn't sad, wasn't overly happy. I was enjoying and focused on my dive. We were given math problems that I completed at an equal rate compared to doing it topside. I'm not unequivocally stating I was not under some level of narcosis, but there was no evidence to suggest I was. I've read about the correlation between having a high alcohol tolerance and perhaps that's why I've "yet" to feel the effects. The other two dives were at Blue Grotto. 100 ft. Great viz (flashlights in the cavern, clear water) and ~72 F. Nothing special. We followed the guide line into and out of the cavern. Again I did not notice any change in my mental state or typical dive behavior. Maintained buoyancy, monitored gas, etc. No skills test though.

Honestly, I was looking forward to experience it. I want to know what it feels like and how it effects me. I especially would prefer to experience it in the presence of an instructor, but not this time.
Hi everyone, i am new to this field and want to learn about the Gauges.
What main difference the digital and analog gauge have?
Which one i should prefer?
Also what is the technical principal working behind them?

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