A lot of countries have dominant groups that have derogatory words to refer to NOP (not our people). These words are used by the groups to put others in their place and don’t have the same effect when used by the others, or when the others have derogatory names for the dominant groups. I accept and understand that.
But America is not like a lot of other countries. We are not perfect by any means, but for me, what makes America different is the ideal that all people are equal, that where you come from doesn’t matter, that citizens can participate in government in a meaningful way, that we are a kind and benevolent people setting an example of being better. Again, we’ve screwed up a lot, and we haven’t held ourselves accountable all the time for things that we’ve screwed up, but I guess that’s why I disagree with the notion that if others can do it, then so can we.
Being called a gringo by a Mexican would annoy me, (actually they would call me chino) but I don’t hold that country up to the same standards as my own. After all, if you ask most people in oppressed societies where they would like to live if they could move and start over, I’m pretty certain America is more popular than Mexico, and is likely still tops everywhere else.