opps, misread the element. I blame the early morning.
Edit: Also realized that I was mistake about trimix. Helium is obviously the first thing created. note to self: next time make sure brain is engaged before posting.
Actually, the Helium on earth was not created by Hydrogen fusion in a star (except indirectly). All of the Helium that was present on earth when it was formed has long since been lost to space. It turns out that Helium is so light that it floats up to the upper atmosphere where the temperature is high enough to accelerate the atoms to escape velocity.
The Helium we get now comes from alpha decay of radioactive elements deep within the earth and is trapped by the same formations that trap methane. That is why Helium production is a byproduct of natural gas extraction. When methane is liquefied for transport, the majority of what is left is Helium.
It is sort of a shame that we waste it for things as frivolous as balloons. There is a finite (though large) supply of it. When it is gone, there will be no more.