An Inconvenient Truth

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Frankly I would not have opposed the instructions, they help place the film in perspective and illustrate part of what the problem is. But Judge's statements concerning the Antarctic show just what a tool he really is.
The problem I have with Al Gore and his band of merry men is same problem I have with all other doom and gloomers. All this aggrandizement is to support something they want to sell. Remember the no-nuke crowd, the hysteria over Y2K, power lines will kill us all, Joe McCarthy and Manzanar, a new ice age and the hits just keep on coming.

With all doom and gloomers, there is a shred of truth that gets blown way out of proportion. The consensus among many noted climatologists is that we should be seeing the devastating and catastrophic results already. Yet, nothing other than a small rise in ocean temperatures.

My personal stance is; be a good steward of your environment, recycle and do your part in keeping our planet healthy. It is our responsibility to hand down to our children something they can be proud of. However, overreaction rarely delivers on its promise.
Frankly I would not have opposed the instructions, they help place the film in perspective and illustrate part of what the problem is. But Judge's statements concerning the Antarctic show just what a tool he really is.
Again I agree. many ways he couldn't have helped the film more. It's amazing how kids react when you tell them how to think, or they need extra warnings because they're too dumb to see it themselves, or anything at all like that!!!! :rofl3:

He's almost guaranteed 100% attendance at schools on the day the film is shown! :rofl3:

Question: who do you ask for help when you are ill? If your answer is a doctor, then you might want to think twice before you lash out at the scientific community. Science is what makes the world around us possible, including the medium you are trying to communicate your ideas with. And yes, Al Gore is the father of the internet. He was one, if not the one, of its most influential advocates.


I'm assuming sarcasm here, because Al Gore knew nothing of DARPAnet. He's a politician, so anything he says is suspect.

Medical science is a far cry from theoretics. It is able to be confirmed and results repeated in laboratories.

As I expected, my "lashing out" would be misconstrued as all scientists. Part of my gripe is that in this thread and others I've read numerous times, "Are you a scientist?!" The implication is that if you are not, then you are a knuckle dragging idiot and your opinions and any input is immediately dismissed and subsequently ridiculed. Al Gore is not a scientist, and did nothing more than moderate the movie. But he is touted as a knowledgable hack because he agrees with the "majority??" of environmentalists?

Rockhound and some others here have made some excellent points from a scientists perspective. THAT kind of information is useful and is worth mulling over and looking into more.
Look I said in once and I'l say it a million times he is a hustler just like his dad ..the fruit never falls far from the tree. His dad helped jam oil and coal down our grandparents and parents throat. Made untold fortunes and now he is going to auction off the CO2 residuals while brokering the deals. Meanwhile he collects loot off the front end of the deal i.e. Occi. Petrol. and makes loot hyping the evils of Occi. Petrol., he makes loot on the remedy for Occi. Petro. and finally he makes loot off the saps rushing to buy the offsets caused by his company in the first place ...for that hustle alone he deserves a Nobel Peace Prize ....whoooppss he got one didn't he .ha ha ha !!!
Yes, there are creditable scientists that, unable to parse global warming into "natural" and anthropogenic components, express doubts about the parsing, but not the process. I have some of those same doubts. We also have doubts about the point were it becomes irreversible. But what I see in the Arctic and Antarctic and the trends that I see in ocean temperature data frankly scares the crap out of me. Al Gore is not the issue and it would be a real shame if we all marched off to our doom distracted from seeking a solution because we are busy arguing about exactly how thick a coating of slime a professional politician is wearing.

You are hitting the nail on the head. Gore is a snakeoil salesman and his involvement turns off the average Joe
You are hitting the nail on the head. Gore is a snakeoil salesman and his involvement turns off the average Joe
Then the average Joe is pretty damn stupid if he's willing to slit his (and my) childrens' throats 'cause he doesn't like the messenger.

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

I have split these posts from the Global Warming thread since they deal with the movie An Inconvenient Truth.

As most of you should already know, if you feel that a post is not in line with Terms of Service for ScubaBoard, please report that post and it will be reviewed.

Ann Marie

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