How then, can a DIR diver committed to the DIR methodology and philosophy not be considered in violating that methodology and philosophy when diving with someone in a non-DIR sanctioned gear configuration?
My regular dive buddy has a different gear configuration than myself. However, before each dive we go over a pre-dive sequence known as GUE EDGE, I do a modified "s" drill, modified valve drill, and we both do a bubble check. He knows I wear a long hose and he knows how I donate it if he should need it. We define our plan and we follow it. We know our surface consumption rates (SCR) and we know how long our gas should last based upon our dive profile. We still regularly check our SPG during the dive and we establish minimum gas rules for turning the dive. After our dive is over we log our dive and note our air consumption and do another SCR calculation.
My buddy has never heard of GUE or DIR, however when he dives with me he is following many of the principles - he just doesn't know it
