I would not get hung up on anything anyone says on Scubaboard regarding this issue. I do agree with the previous suggestions that you should see your doctor and get his opinon. Swimming and diving is often a great way to start losing weight and increase cardiovascular fitness and if your doctor indicates there are no medical contraindications, then go for it.
I agree with DA Aquamaster that you should see your doctor first. If you are clinically obese then you need to make sure you do not have other risk factors (hypertension, high cholesterol, sedentary, etc.) for exercise. If you have any of these risk factors, you'll want to get them under control first. Certainly you can get cleared for an exercise program by a physician, but it's one thing to be exercising in a controlled environment where, if you feel fatigued or winded, etc., you can stop and assistance is immediately available. It's an entirely different matter in diving. My thought is to get assessed/cleared by a physician and, if you're not already doing so, begin a supervised exercise program to achieve a reasonable level of fitness *before* you take up diving.