Never mind. That was silly because people who routinely dive mixes that need to be analyzed probably don't use air integrated computers off a single tank.
Also, it only needs to be done once. I was just thinking how nice it would be to have the reassurance of knowing what you're breathing and how much of it there is with each glance at the gauge. Which answered my own question when I said gauge. Of course, we use color detectors to indicate CO2 when a patient exhales. It'd be really cool to have an SPG with a faceplate that indicated the mix of gas present by color! (A little off topic from analyzing now, and more towards labeling)
If you had an SPG that was green at 21% O2, and then faded to other colors when the O2 content increased, what would that get you?
In other words, what would the MOD be for a nitrox mix that was reddish green?