Am I a Bad Person

Diving or Duty

  • Diving

    Votes: 182 90.1%
  • Duty

    Votes: 20 9.9%

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  • Poll closed .

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Matt Groenig, the Simpsons creator, started out writing a cartoon called "life in hell" which mostly appeared in college and other cutting edge newspapers... the cartoons were usually one-panel depictions of crudely drawn rabbits discussing dilemmas of daily life.

One cartoon addressed the question: "your secretary is hot but you're married...should you have an affair with her?" Bongo, the rabbit, explained that such questions (like the diving vs baptism question) should be first addressed by asking yourself the question "how long will I be dead?" and then, you should examine a timeline of the earth...

Groenig then drew a line beginning with the dinosaurs and ending with the Xerkon invasion in the year 1 billion AD... in the middle of the line was a microscope and under it a tiny speck labelled "your pathetic life"...

Bongo then explained that since you are dead forever and alive for a mere millisecond on a geological timescale, you might as well do what you want, not what others want.

In the end, when the Xerkons invade a billion years from now, no one will really give a crap about whether you went to that baptism or not.

So Matt and I say: dive.
Don't you have a "duty" to be a better diver ? :D
Ooooh! Now there's a great story idea. eckybay skips the baptism to take a class, and then 17 years later, she uses the skills learned in that very class to rescue the kid from mortal peril on a dive trip down in Florida.

Wouldn't everyone feel terrible if you'd gone to the baptism and settled for a lesser-quality instructor, never to learn the skills that would have saved the poor kid in the hour of need? :D
Even if I was the parent, I'd go diving ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Or the clergyman! Or the Baby! (Ok, maybe not if I was the Baby)

Definitely go diving.

Of course, you know, that MOST of the time in life when we are struggling with a tough decision, we have usually Already Made the decision, and are just struggling to get OK with it.

(I'm guessing you didn't post the same question on a "boyfriend's friend's babies baptism board"???)

Don't listen to me answer to just about EVERYTHING is "Go Diving".
Go Diving, Go Diving, Go Diving! :)
Can you say, "control issues?" I say not only do you dive, you also have a careful look at whether you want to hang with an apparently controlling kind of guy. What if you have plans and his dog has a hangnail? Then what?

My "Dear Abby" $.02
Being the good girlfriend...

When he is committed enough to give you a ring and a date (and you are past said date) then you can become committed to something that he wants.
He suddenly recalls that it's his best friend's baby's baptism.

One more thing, I got married when I was 22 and I can't hardly remember who was there. How is this baby going to remember?

Screw the baptism. Dive.
Life's short. Get Wet.

And yes you're bad, for even considering skipping class.
Shame on you.
Unless my girfriends best friend was also one of my good friends, I know Id want to get wet just like the baby!
Now if it was one of MY good friends baby id consider going to that cold church with those hard wooden benches and badly tuned organ...

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