Alleged censorship on ScubaBoard

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Some people are shy and/or insecure and hide it under what appears to be arrogance.
I'm better than everyone here!

So many opportunities to use the "ignore" feature.

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Some people just mistake candor with rudeness.

Before the internet, there was (and still is) and attitude that pervades the dive industry that professionals know everything and that customers are forever students. I can't tell you how many dive shops that I've been in where some guy is holding court like his is the expert of all things diving and that you should take these classes, do these procedures, wear this gear and so on and so on. Students are not encouraged to challenge these things and are to be dependent on the dive shop to make all of their relationships, buy their gear, book their travel and so on.

Enter the internet and places come to be to challenge this. And the old guard hates it. Then a funny thing happens. Some of these new places are run by the old guard and so all the old attitudes bleed over into the new forum. It's not real change that is wanted. It's just a new name for the same old masters.
The irony of calling me 'uncivil' while personally attacking me.
Some people just mistake candor with rudeness.
I believe you mistook my candor for a personal attack. It's ironic that you rail about others not wishing to be challenged, while you ascribe any such attempt to challenge you as a personal attack. Maybe it's just hypocrisy, you make the choice. I bet that the thing that pisses you off most is that no one seems willing to let you hold court. No, I don't expect you to admit that publicly. That would take humility on your part and jealousy just won't allow that. Jus don't be hatin when you see me roll, dawg.
So here is a question for you NetDoc or any of the moderators that have followed this thread which is at least three. Does a post or thread have to be reported before it gets moderated?

Take this thread for example. It started out as a thread about censorship or moderation but like many threads on SB, it has drifted off into a world of it's on with many posts now having very little to do with the original subject. Now I'm fine with that as it seems most folks are because I assume this thread has not been reported for being off topic or else it would have been "moderated" and cleaned up. But we know that at a minimum the COB and three moderators have been either active or following the thread but no one has done anything to post a warning about staying on topic or shut down the thread to get it cleaned up.

I think for the most part the moderators do a good job here on SB. My guess would be it can be a thankless job at times if not most of the time. And I realize that with any group of people, there are different personalities involved and some moderators do a better job than other. I have been in threads like this one, that stray off topic and with moderators involved in that thread, but the thread goes on. No harm no foul and folks are having a good time. Then I have seen cases where a thread is moving along, can stray from the topic, and a moderator will post a warning about getting back to the topic. And finally, I have seen threads, again where it goes astray but with nothing all that bad going on, and a moderator will come in, close the thread so they can clean it up, and then reopen the thread without any warning given. And if you have been on SB long enough, you know exactly which moderators do what.

I just would like to see more consistency with the actions taken when moderating threads. But I suspect with the many different personalities involved, that would be difficult to accomplish.
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