Alleged censorship on ScubaBoard

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Look at fat NetDoc.
I am fat. I realized that when the Save the Manatee people kept pushing me back in the water. At least I am not mean. However, if you can read this, then you haven't been banned for stating the obvious.

Most of you don't know this, but Chrpai follows a number of staff around ScubaBoard like a grumpy chihuahua. He's always yapping at us about some thing, but we've learned to ignore him. We don't like it. I've even asked him a number of times to leave me the hell alone. Unfortunately, he's as persistent as he is uncivil. I've already pointed out that I won't respond to his PMs. Still, there's that incessant yap, yap, yap, yap, yap. I guess the Gods think I need to work on my patience some more so the yapping will continue.

However, when the yapping starts to affect our users and causes serious threads to go off topic, we find we have to muzzle him and anyone else who wants to simply disrupt. Mostly, that's done by editing or deleting posts. Rarely, we have to ban someone who is bent on hijacking every thread they can. Being in site support, we don't mind that this thread has a lot of off topic silliness. It sure beats listening to him yap and you can bet that we haven't heard the last from Chrpai.
I At least I am not mean.


For the record, I already stepped away from this thread a couple times. But Pete keeps trolling by bringing my name with insults back into the conversation. I'm stepping away again now. I bet you he'll do it again.

For the record, I already stepped away from this thread a couple times. But Pete keeps trolling by bringing my name with insults back into the conversation. I'm stepping away again now. I bet you he'll do it again.

That last post was a little mean.....It was like the two of you were playing in the sandbox, Pete was making you mad by saying his Dog was bigger than yours, and then you threw sand in his eyes..... :)
We try to be more reactive than proactive when it comes to moderation. That allows the community to let us know what they think is acceptable or not and allows for regional and cultural differences. However, there are some areas where we are more proactive to protect the newbie from being MOFed like in the green zones.

When a post is reported it goes into the "Unclaimed" sub forum in the Back room. A moderator or a number of moderates will look at the reported post and see if they even want to deal with it. There are a number of people I recuse myself from dealing with because I don't like them or they think I don't like them. Sometimes the resolution is obvious and a mod claims it, resolves it and moves it to our "closed" sub forum. A few reports are less clear and so they are moved to our "in process" sub forum where mods can discuss it. The rub comes when a post or thread gets reported for being mean spirited or a harassment. There's a fine line between calling someone a name (a personal attack) and pointing out their character flaws. Nobody likes to be told that they are uncivil. Look at poor Chrpai. He felt attacked when I simply and civilly pointed out the obvious. We tend to side with the person who feels attacked. Most of these are resolved without any additional controversy, but there are a few that seem to set the world on fire. We've tried to keep the ToS simple but relevant and we truly try to live up to our Guiding Principle:

As the staff of ScubaBoard, our goal is to provide our users with a safe and friendly atmosphere that will bring together new friends, attract scuba diving professionals and diving legends in a way that creates "The Optimal Internet Diving Community".

Pete... and all you brown town shirts out there.. THANK YOU... I enjoy my time here. And I would like you to know I appreciate the time and effort you take to make my stay here as pleasant as possible...

I have never thought of any of you as nazis or jackboot thugs... BTW Have you dealt with the LB issue yet?? That was 500 and he wouldnt know where it come from right?

When DanV starts his own competing scuba forum, I promise to stay here.

---------- Post added August 8th, 2013 at 08:49 AM ----------

Look at fat NetDoc. He just can't stop trolling.

When your COB, it's just stating an opinion. When you are just a user, it's attacking and banishment will follow.

Are you serious... you're a piece of work, does being offensive come easy to you?

Wow.. you must really be poor to take it as an insult.. seems you are looking hard.

Ever hear of the saying, look hard enough.. you are bound to find it.

Or in your case.. Troll hard enough.
I love you sassy.
It is a shame that this thread went off the rails so quickly, because I think that there is an underlying point that Dan makes which needs to be answered, which is that in thread moderation there are certain posters whose bad behaviour seems to get sheltered. It is not a large number, and it doesn't happen a lot. But it does leave a sour taste in the mouth.

I am no conspiracy nut (no offence, Dan), but it did annoy me enough that a couple of years ago that I lodged a formal complaint through the SB complaint system. I chased twice, but never got any kind of response. I found that very telling.

telling of what? that they run their board the way that they want to? It seems to to be working well for an awful lot of people.

if you have a sour taste in your mouth and don't like the way the board is run then leave. it's not rocket science.

these self-centered rants of "i want the board run my way" are ridiculous.
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