All the boyz are doing it, now it's our turn!!!

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Yes, Rickg, this is something that all female divers in drysuits can possibly benefit from.. .Not just tech divers and instructors... When it comes to peeing, no more squeezing into the tiny head on a boat with your drysuit dragging, no more trying to hold your wrist/neck seals up off the floor of the smelly port-a-potty... No more buckets.. no more hanging your ass off the side of the boat praying for no wakes... Comfort on those multi dive (even shore dive) days in the winter/rain months... Now we can drink all the water/juice/gatorade we want without having to worry about the repercussions...

What, you dont like the "bidet" function ?? :)
Well, being that I work in the medical field, i've been pimping it to anyone who will listen... I am waiting until the silicone version is done though to market it to the military, airlines, maritime industry, long range truckers and astronauts :)

(and heck, even women in the middle stages of gender reassignment surgery so they can pee standing in the boys room, since they no longer look female enough to go to the girls room)

I'm sure Heleen has thought of appplications outside the diving community, such as the disabled community and nursing homes...I know I have!
The She-P is an entirely different idea. There is no way to hook a She-wee up to a pee valve (drysuit overboard discharge, like the boys hook their condom caths up to) and use it while underwater.

There are at least a half dozen ridged urinary directors for women. there is only the she-P and the Hollister bag (so far as I'm aware) that actually stick in place. After several attempted uses, the Hollister bag was given up as unusable for our application. (not just by me, many women both tech and recreational divers have tried it through the years)

The she-wee could theoretically be useable with a relief zipper (as was mentioned a few posts back) but if you've ever used a relief zipper, you understand the issues surrounding undergarment selection and what not. It's not as easy as just "whippin' it out" or in the case of a rigid director, just stuffin' it in there 'willy nilly' so to speak. In addition, the relief zipper does not address the issue of long days in an environment where you can't use it, such as underwater. .

Sorry if this has been mentioned already but...


ok, I believe you have to hold it in place, so a 'glued' on silicone one I guess would be more practical. but thought I'd mention it.
How do you find the She-P at the moment for all-day application with pre/post-drysuit use? Any experience? I am worried about the transition from sitting in car mushing the She-P between the legs and then dressing up into drysuit. (A lot of local sites are in the sticks 1-2hr away with no facilities and some charters have nothing better but portapotty at docks and no head). Have you had any issues with that?

Does using the She-P on land before donning dive gear easily compromise its integrity, ie do you often need to check it and re-adjust? I am thinking mainly of street clothes not being as tightly packed as dive gear, and possibly allowing the device to shift, sag or something that would pull seals loose or so when you are move actively moving? (It still amazes me that the power of the stream does not just shoot the whole pouch flying&#8230:wink:

What about removal on-site – if you don’t have but butt-freezing weather and no facilities and have to keep your knickers on? I am thinking that there must be some residual splashing involved with removal, no? Could you give some gory details about that part? (I have no problems changing in car but I think I would be against tangling butt-nekkid and sprinkling pee around as I did it :D). Is it easy to handle without making a mess after you get more experienced? Or will She-P easily hold on another squishing for a ride back home?

I really think installing at home would guarantee the best results at least in the beginning. On longer trips one can do it in restrooms closer to destination but it just does not sound so appealing when learning the tricks. But is this too much abuse and discomfort perhaps? Or are some of the testers comfortably using the device on day-long travel/hiking trips etc. and it really has not much to do what you are wearing/friction etc? I guess the sitting/walking about is what worries me.
I think Heather covered a lot of that in her post... (she talks about driving to the site, using the restroom, etc...) My experience has been there is no problem with wearing it all day, driving around, getting out for pee breaks, etc.. If i'm in it all day I try to be good about tilting forward enough to empty it. if it's at the site, in my little "she-p" case, I have some toilet paper to catch, but in reality, if you are paying attention, you can put the little plug in place before any spillage occurs.

If anything it almost seemed like sitting on for a couple hours it makes it stick more adherently..

(I use the spray, not the paste, a little piece of tape in back if I'm feeling chicken, no diapers)
This is awesome! Thanks for sharing! I love your adventurous nature and how you have no fear about posting your results to the world!

Love you girl!
Being that I'm lazy too... I'm cross posting this from the very good thread (some other women's input as well) that is at The Deco Stop.

Posted by Chickdiver a while back

Saturday was my inaugural run with the She-P. Unlike Mer I wasn’t brave enough to put a hole in my drysuit without trying the device out, so I used it on Saturday with a leg bag. While it was mostly effective, the bag does bring it’s own set of problems. However, even with the problems imposed by the leg bag, I was quite pleased- pleased enough to have ordered a P valve for the drysuit, which I will hopefully manage to get installed this week.
We had planned a little re-lining project for Saturday, and since the location offered no “facilities” I opted to put the device on before leaving the house to drive over to Tally. This meant 3 hours in the truck wearing it. While not the most comfortable thing ever, it wasn’t unbearable by any means. I know that some people have questioned the efficacy of the paste while moving around, frog kicking etc- I can tell you that after a 3 hour ride in the truck, 3 bathroom breaks, gear setup and tromping up and down the hill a couple of times the paste and tape were still held well in place.

I did learn a few things in the course of the day-
1. “site prep” is going to be key
2. A little paste goes a looong way
3. The best way to remove paste residue is by flushing with tepid water- JUST water- don’t use soap, or oil or anything else- it just makes goo.
Another interesting observation that I had was that diving was noticeably warmer without a diaper. All in all a very little hassle for a major improvement in diving pleasure. I’m sure it will continue to get better with practice. If there were a Nobel Prize for diving equipment innovation, I would nominate the Dutch ladies!
A few questions have come up from the 'second wave' of users...

Q) I can't see the little video...

A) it's now uploaded on Youtube. Adhesive and your She-P


A) I'm working on another video... that will cover application, hookup, disconnect, etc... be patient, don't give up...

Q) the spray says wait 5 min before applying to skin...

A) Apply as soon as it gets tacky... you have to spread the adhesive into a film over the contact area of the device rather quickly, so it's actually more like "one she-P, two She-P..."

Q) my girl parts are getting 'suctioned' into the device

A) you have it too far forward. the flange must cover your girlparts. The cup should not be anywhere near the important things.

Q) Leaking in the back..

A) pay extra care and place the back first, I use a piece of tape as back-up if I am in a hurry and think maybe I didn't get a perfect seal.

Q) where again do I position it?

A) the back flange should be right up next to the 'back door' as close as possible while stlll allowing farting :wink:

Q) I peed myself.

A) wear diapers, there is a learning curve...

Q) it is HARD to hook up!

A) Yes, I noticed this the first few times. a bit of spit or water and patience. If you've ever watched boys do it, they take a bit of time as well. be careful when hooking up that you don't tug loose the front. In the beginning you might supplement the front flange with tape.

Q) It is hard to disconnect!!

A) it's not easy, especially if (like me the first few times) you really stick it on there... I now use a little piece of tape that is folded over on one end to act as a little handle...

Q) I can't pee!

A) If it is not a mind over bladder thing, it's cause you got it TOO far back and it's restricting flow. This is part of why peeing when you first get in the water is a good idea... "test" the system.

Q) What's with the BUBBLES!

A) that's the air in the system, getting pushed out when you prime it...

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