radinator:Perhaps taking the course would have helped.
I took a course, and one of my practice skills was to hang on to a heavy weight belt at the bottom of the 12' pool and overinflate my suit to the point where I was almost lifting the 16 (or so) pound belt (this was in addition to my normal weighting). Then I had to let go and invert and vent before hitting the surface. We also did "valve failure" drills, where the venting had to be from the neck or wrist seal. It was all doable, and the flips and somersaults are not just theory - they work.
To address other points:
Yes, I've done it with thick gloves and both a drysuit hood &/or a dive beanie.
Yes (again), the course DOES teach proper buoyancy control.
As for tailgate diving, it is very good. Except in those instances when you have too much gear for the gate; that's where the tarp comes in.

Take care, eh?!