A tank is an air supply, nothing more. It isn't a billboard, and as such, shouldn't be used as one. Stickers cover up your tank, and seeing as it is such an integral part of your life support equipment, you don't want any part of it shrouded from view. Stickers can hold water close to the tank for extended periods of time, they can hide corrosion, they can hide surface defects, dings, nicks, scrapes (innocuous or not). Since they provide zero benefit to augment their task (air storage), they are unnecessary.
If you put stickers on there that serve a purpose (MOD decals, mix details, hypoxic warnings, etc) then go for it, but they are usually small, informative, and efficient in their display of information.
If you put stickers on there that serve a purpose (MOD decals, mix details, hypoxic warnings, etc) then go for it, but they are usually small, informative, and efficient in their display of information.