I believe in the KISS principle. I have a SCR calculator that I use on my deep dives that I plan my gas management with. I can enter the size of tanks I will be carrying and depths I'll dive and it calculates my available dive time including reserve air for ascents. It will also give me a minimum tank size based on a planned profile. Comes in very useful for my penetration dives but is somewhat complicated.
My default plan and the one I use most often is to dive the rule of thirds. I've never had an issue with air every time I've dove using the rule of thirds. The OOA's or near OOA's I've experienced have occurred when I deliberately push past those limits and run into an unexpected difficulty. I also don't like coming aboard a boat with more than 300#. I've wasted some underwater time if that happens. So if I'm aboard or ashore with more than that either the dive was really boring or there was an artificial limit applied or a situation such as sharks, current, lighting, waves, or buddy where I needed an extra safety margin.
So my downward/outward leg will use 1/3 of my air. Then I turn my dive and return to my start point. Now if everything has gone right like it does 80% of the time I have 1/3 of my air left. Which is 1000 psi for an AL-80. Also since I generally swim into currents on the outward leg I usually get back with 1200-1500 psi left. I don''t need that much for most of my ascents unless I'm doing deco and I'm usually the lowest on air with the guys I normally buddy with (I'm generally the oldest and biggest) so my buddies normally have more air than I. So we hang around the anchor line or exit point for a while and then come on up. I'll usually spend more time on a deep stop and the 15' stop to exhaust extra gas unless there's a reason to keep a bigger reserve.
My default plan and the one I use most often is to dive the rule of thirds. I've never had an issue with air every time I've dove using the rule of thirds. The OOA's or near OOA's I've experienced have occurred when I deliberately push past those limits and run into an unexpected difficulty. I also don't like coming aboard a boat with more than 300#. I've wasted some underwater time if that happens. So if I'm aboard or ashore with more than that either the dive was really boring or there was an artificial limit applied or a situation such as sharks, current, lighting, waves, or buddy where I needed an extra safety margin.
So my downward/outward leg will use 1/3 of my air. Then I turn my dive and return to my start point. Now if everything has gone right like it does 80% of the time I have 1/3 of my air left. Which is 1000 psi for an AL-80. Also since I generally swim into currents on the outward leg I usually get back with 1200-1500 psi left. I don''t need that much for most of my ascents unless I'm doing deco and I'm usually the lowest on air with the guys I normally buddy with (I'm generally the oldest and biggest) so my buddies normally have more air than I. So we hang around the anchor line or exit point for a while and then come on up. I'll usually spend more time on a deep stop and the 15' stop to exhaust extra gas unless there's a reason to keep a bigger reserve.