Obviously we need to do something but funding the CDC is kind of like flushing $ down a toilet. Maybe send the $8 Billion to the states? Maybe the states can put it to better use? I certainly question what the CDC will do with that $. I also question what happened to the $3 Billion Obama approved for Zika research... Haven't heard a thing about Zika since... Certainly haven't heard any definitive scientific evidence that it causes birth defects although the media and the WHO were pounding the table that it did. Zika is now all over the tropics and the Caribbean yet I'm not hearing anything about wide spread birth defects. Is anyone here hearing about wide spread birth defects related to Zika? I don't think so. That was another media hyped pandemic.
A friend of mine is a microbiologist and did have something interesting to say about this corona virus. He is absolutely convinced that this will pretty much vanish as spring and summer approach. Viruses like cold, dry climates - not warm humid climates. Spring and summer also moves people outdoors into fresh air and out of confined spaces. Furthermore UV radiation from the sun kills viruses in no time sitting on a surface exposed to the sun. In the summer you needn't worry about shopping carts and such as they spend plenty of time in the sun as they circulate from the store to the parking lot and back.
However,. he also had something quite disturbing to say as well. He said that we are lucky this virus reached the USA when it did as spring and summer are right around the corner. This flu season, if he is correct, we have very little to worry about. It's the next flu season we have to worry about as this new virus will be around just like the flu is always around but when flu season hits again we could see cases show up with the onset of the season and that is when we could have a more serious problem. So, if cases do start to decrease with the approach of summer and if this passes without a pandemic event this year the CDC, the WHO, the administration, no one should claim victory as it will be back next season. The CDC and our healthcare system need to use the summer months to prepare and get their houses in order for next season. He also said we'll see our possible future with this virus as the southern hemisphere heads into winter and to keep an eye on its spread in that hemisphere because this new virus is not going to just go away.