Its just too bad... they make great suits.
They do huh?
Rant mode on. You can safely ignore, it's only my opinion based on experience.
Around these parts they don't have a good rep, and I personally have dove 2 of them, the TLS350 and the TLSSE. It's the only time in the last year I've dove a wetsuit.
Of course I noticed that about 50% of the divers during the rally got soaked as well and I heard explanations that explained away the problem as being the divers fault or his sweat. Give me a break, you can't sweat gallons of water during one dive. At the end of the day they had more suits drying out on the ground than they did on the racks.
From my point of view and personal experience the DUI suits are not worth the fabric they're made of, unless you like wetsuits that are cold. You can't tell me the explanation they offered me is right, "they're demo suits and they leak from abuse." True they get abused, but on the first dive you would think a company wanting to sell me a drysuit would at least have one that would be guaranteed not to leak on the first dive of the day. Why would I buy a drysuit that's wet?
The guy who fitted me when I let him know the suit leaked tried to tell me it was sweat and normal, I then rang out my undergarment and said I don't sweat that much and it's a leak. It was soaked completely through from head to toe, the second dive it was soaked from chest to toe. My buddy made the same point to him as he got soaked as well. The third dive my buddy and I dove our own suits (not DUI) and had a nice dry dive.
That experience is not unique to me, several of my buddies diving them have leaks and live with it. I know one guy who says his never leaks, one.
I will say this much positive, the stock suits fit me nicely. They're comfortable, have flexibility and I love the rock boots. IMO those boots are tops and I wish my suit had them. The suits are like wearing nothing compared to my drysuit, I liked that fact. If they could solve the leaks they'd have a winner. IMO they need to change how they sew the suit together and it would work fine.
Rant mode off.
I realize during the rally they have many non drysuit divers try them out, I saw lots of abuse that would over time kill the suits seals and zippers, and I noticed the fitters did not seem to know why they did things as they did. It's just the way they were taught. I.e. I saw them try to answer a question as to why they had to don the suit a certain way when it came to the neck seal, and he actually told the truth and said he didn't know why it had to be done that way, it just did. One thing is certain, I would never ever treat my suit they way many of those divers did. There should have been a basic this is how you treat your drysuit course before they fit the divers with them.