Active Divers over the age of 50

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Is it wrong to encourage an 83 year old to get his OW cert?

He's still wanting to fly and carries a 2nd class medical, so who knows?

Me? I'm pushing 59.
If your 83 year old is healthy, why not. My granddad could easily have done it at 83 as he was playing squash with 60 year olds. I did OW at 66 and AOW and nitrox at 67. Maybe I will do solo before I hit 70. Since you are a spry whippersnapper, you could volunteer to carry his tanks for him.
Not sure if this is the right place for this thread. I am curious as to how many SB members, who are still active divers, are over the age of 50? Also, how long they have been diving, how often they dive, and what types of diving they do?
I’ll be 71 in September. Started diving at 62 and have a bit over 300 dives. I’ve dialed back a bit. No tech diving and I can no longer handle the weight if side mount. Otherwise, doing well.
64 now , start diving when 54 (10 years ago). Gradually courses on trimix 45 and mine diving. Now 1,5 year with rebreather. Diving in cold waters around the year (in winter when under -10 C). Diving weekly or more.
59. Last certification CMAS 3* here in France was in 2007. Diving since 1994. About 1100 dives.... and still want to dive everywhere on the planet more than ever !!
Hi ! Fun seeing around here, mate.
55 and still doing some pretty serious technical dives on a regular basis. Here is my summary from my 2022 Dives:

This is the summary of the stats for 2022:
  • Total Dives = 134
    • Rebreather Dives = 100
  • Deepest Dive = 293 feet (Deep Throne)
  • Average Max Depth = 139 feet
  • Longest Dive = 5 hour 21 minutes
  • Total Dive Time = 6 days, 7 hours, 4 minutes

- brett
5 hour 21 minutes ! after 45 min i fall asleep 😴 i don't know how you do that. WOW
Turning 72 on July 18th,,, had to get my divers medical clearance renewed last week, told the doc, i needed two diving clearences. He looked puzzeled, then I told him, one for Scuba diving and for my birthday present to myself on my birthday I am going SKYdiving.. wish me luck🪂
First dive at 45, earned my DiveMaster at 55, now 56.

Cold, warm, lake, ocean, cavern, fun, working... if I have the chance to dive I dive :)
I should be over 50, but since I'm diving weekly in the Fountain of Youth, I always forget to grow old :cool:
Certified since the start of the century.
Birthdays are in your user account. All that other stuff isn't. No promises here on even age.
I will poke around in the database tonight and see if I can create a demographic of SB member ages.

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