Woman drowns scuba diving in lake - NBC12.com-Richmond, VA News, Weather, Traffic & Sports
It seems odd that several news reports say they were going to explore and artifact, perhaps echoing one source - since it was an OW class.
What is really odd is that someone called whatever it was they were decending to see an "Artifact"......there are many things in Lake Rawlings, but i dont know that i would classify any of them as artifacts.
This whole scenario really sucks, and i feel for all involved. The tour dives are what they are, and really are common in the lake. I've never had any issues with 4 students or less, but when you get into the 6-8 student range it seems to become a clusterfuc% just due to poor vis in the afternoon. I really wish folks would just calm down and wait for the official release to learn the details.....speculation gets us nothing. Im sure the details are being witheld for Legal reasons(active investigation and all).