Free2scuba2 and all,
The putting breath in the BCD part was put in my response before to show that there are always options that can be done.
I have been in rescue situations. When these things happen and you are trained, you don't think and you just do. Something kicks in that allows you to do things that you never would have thought was possible for yourself. Really! Honestly!
1. Keep your head. Slow down and look at the situation. (Medic one does) Have you ever seen Medic One run to a situation. If you are excited you can not help and you are worthless.
2. Do the best you can. Do not risk your health or life and do damage to yourself because if you are dead or injured you can not help.
3. Do as trained and don't do what you are not trained to do. You are trained to dive, follow dive tables or your computer, and how to surface. You can take a ride in the Deco Chamber if it is going to save a life. You can not live through O2 poisoning or coming up too fast. TAKE YOUR TIME!!!!!!
Ask "What if", "In everything you do", please.
4. Once you have helped, if you choose to, and things did not go well, tell yourself you did the best you could and things are better because you did everything you were capable of doing. Get therapy or talk about it right away with others. Talk about it with your diver friends or it will burn you up. By all means talk about it to get the feelings out! Very important. That people is why I am here and what this Forum is all about.
You can erase what I have wrote or skip over it but for me that has helped on more than a few occasions, I would print this out and keep it as something is going to happen and you will have to make the decision to go or not go. I went and I am here. I am grateful.
I was not here for this situation in case it sounded that way. All the helpers get a A plus. You did great. You can not change the past and you did not make the decisions for the diver, he did. You just helped!