Absolutely Insane Dive Video - Cozumel

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I think Tony thinks that's ridiculous and so do I. If you want to extend you bottom time there are other ways than to donate regs and swap long hose regulators.

It's retarded. He gets it. He thinks it's retarded.

Do you get that it is totally ridiculous?

You actually think this is a good strategy to deal with "vacation divers"???

Are YOU high?

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My mistake, I must be confused because Tony keeps returning to an equipment failure instead of what the video shows.

I think you all should argue about whether you like the technique of a DM extending a groups bottom time by doing what he is doing in the video.
Seriously? Are you kidding or do you really just not get it?



Are you high?

I'm not promoting anything. AGAIN - I just explained what is happening and then re-explained where you could find the information to support the explanation.

No, I am not high, but just a diver trying to assist other divers in doing it better and safer. You, on the other hand, seem to like this style of diving. Your words seem to show your total disreguard for safety or there into care for safe diving.
If Tony gets it, why does he keep going back to centering everything he says about there was an equipment failure and that's why the DM was sharing air with the diver?

I don't for a second think Tony 'gets it' if he does he wouldn't keep fixating on something that isn't there.

Now if you all want to argue about whether you like the technique of a DM extending a groups bottom time by doing what he is doing in the video, have at it, it's been discussed at least two dozen times on here before.

Equipment failure or not, the culture of this practice is not supported or endorsed by training agencies that I am aware of.

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My mistake, I must be confused because Tony keeps returning to an equipment failure instead of what the video shows.

I think you all should argue about whether you like the technique of a DM extending a groups bottom time by doing what he is doing in the video.

Maybe becuse it all started with equipment failure, which does not get better with depth. But again you know that...right?
Equipment failure or not, the culture of this practice is not supported or endorsed by training agencies that I am aware of.

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Where is it condemned?

---------- Post added April 8th, 2014 at 08:10 PM ----------

Maybe becuse it all started with equipment failure, which does not get better with depth. But again you know that...right?

Equipment failure is a reg free flowing for 1 second?

What do you classify a fogged mask as? A cataclysm?
Where is it condemned?

---------- Post added April 8th, 2014 at 08:10 PM ----------

Equipment failure is a reg free flowing for 1 second?

What do you classify a fogged mask?[/QUOTE

stupid comparisons
The dives in Coz are a group event. A local DM must accompany divers. It's hard for the DM to be at 100 fsw and at the surface at the same time. Also, they have to listen to their clients complain about the short dive due to one person. It takes away from the tip jar when you piss your clients off. :D

Coz has limited diving in the <50 range. Key Largo is far better suited to inexperienced divers with some of our best sites at 25/35 fsw. No local guide required, but that doesn't mean you can't find one. Lots and lots of fishies too!
stupid comparisons

If you say so, but if I pull my reg out of my mouth and it free flows, I simply stop it instead of doing a CESA.

I once had a tank come loose of my BC, I simply took off the BC and re-tightened the strap at 80 ft, instead of calling the dive and calling the coast guard.
and calling the coast guard.
Dude, where do I send the bill for the new Key Board??? :D
Here is one fact that many of the critics don't acknowledge: We weren't there and we don't know what happened. Was the dive at 100'? The poster of the video said so. Is it a fact that they were that deep? I don't know, and unless one of us was there, no one else here does either. Was the whole dive at 100' or did the DM start an ascent? We don't know.

There is no evidence of equipment failure. If you want to assume that there was equipment failure, then it's a different scenario. But what I saw was a reg that free-flowed when turned mouth up at depth (which it should do). It stopped when the DM turned it face down. The DM then also turned the VIVA switch down (no doubt, because the reg was not going to be used by the diver and was going to dangle). Why did the DM keep the diver on his long hose? I don't know. I wasn't there and I didn't get to ask the DM. But the assumption that the diver was an air hog and the DM had plenty of air and the DM did not want to cut the dive short seems to be most likely to be correct. Watching the video, you can see that the DM uses a lot less air.

Where was the buddy of the diver? Probably there was none. In dive tourism, it is common for a group of divers to go with a DM and no one is buddied up with any one else. If you stay with the group, then you have several alternative air supplies. This is solo diving in a crowd. Is it approved? No. Is it common? Yes. Is it more dangerous than diving with a single buddy who goes off on his own? You can decide for yourself, but I would rather be with a group of 5 or 6 other divers in high viz water than be responsible for an incompetent buddy or be reliant on someone who goes off on his own and has no idea where I am.

I was on a dive in the Bahamas being led by a DM. There were 5 or 6 of us "dive tourists" in the group. I had a problem with leaking air due to a bad O-ring, and my air supply was going down much more quickly than normal. The DM put me on her hose and we swam together for five to ten minutes. Then I went back on my air supply near the end of the dive. Did I feel that was an unsafe practice? No. I have to assume that the DM knew exactly how much air was being consumed by the both of us. I certainly knew how much air I had left, and it was PLENTY to ascend to the safety stop and take a five-minute stop. Plus they had spare tanks at the hang bar for the safety stop. So even if I were OOG at the safety stop, I could have hung there for an hour or more on one of the spare tanks.

Am I glad that the dive wasn't terminated? You bet. Were the other divers glad too? My guess is yes. If you would have acted differently, I wouldn't criticize your decision on how to handle your dive.

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