"Dirty the place up"? Hmmm....let's see, posts from members on their diving forum, about diving, and viewed by other diving forum members.... doesn't sound like it's dirtying the place up to me.

I do agree, the stickies were getting excessive, but that could have been handled the way Headhunter started it, i.e. addressing the isssue, making suggestions, and asking for member input. My concern was with the quick removal and moving of the aforementioned threads, without the input from ScubaBoard members.
Actually, no I don't personally feel that they need to be stickies, that wasn't the issue (see above). I would absolutely cast my vote though, in favor of keeping one main Wrinkles thread going each month, and linking as appropriate from there.
And it's right for you to love it, realizing of course, that others may not agree with your opinion. There my friend is the rub. I value your opinion, as I do others, but our views on what is or is not trash differ. Not to belabor the point, but it wasn't someone elses opinion that concerned me, it was the decision without input from others.