Scuba Client
Octopus Strategy: An Innovative Way of Distributing Dive Gear & Scuba Training to Today’s Consumers[OT, but interesting]
Look at this:
Scuba Diving Industry Strategies – Scubanomics – Medium
I find this article especially interesting:
A Blue Ocean Strategy in The Scuba Diving Industry
It's basically what GUE is doing: focusing on people who can spend, and creating a community.
However, I do not believe the only way to create a blue strategy is by focusing on people who want to spend. An alternative is to focus on the new "green-friendly" people. Project diving and citizen science can do a lot in this regard.
As an instructor, I suggest you start thinking about it; Project Baseline isn't a GUE project anymore and could be a good starting point, but there are several other options. For instance, I had some chat with a scientist at Imperial College (London) who is so much interested in analyzing micro-plastics in sea, oceans and lakes, and explained to me that the equipment to do it is really cheap, then one needs only to send the samples to her (or other scientists) and the game is done.
I am really interested in these kind of things, so if you want we may discuss privately, just be aware that I do not have much time to put it into practice
EDIT: setting up a project like a baseline or connecting with scientists require a strong base of active divers; so it is not a starting point - it is an endpoint. If you want, I can discuss with you how some friends of mine are growing step by step in switzerland.
[OT - end]
This article is written by someone that has no idea what scuba divers want.