A career as a dive instructor - realistic or idealistic?

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I've been thinking about this for a long time and after reading this thread and her blogs I just gotta figure out all the details now! Can anyone point me in the right direction where to get started on this? I'll be going for my DM this fall here in the USA, so I'll already be a pro by the time I'd have to leave. Any of you who have done this, please PM me with how to get started.
i have a friend that is a science teacher at a high school and a dive instuctor the 2 go 2 geither really well its something to look in to
Hi Sirenita and anyone else that is looking for advice on this subject cos its an old thread.......

3 years ago I left my job in the City of London, rented my place and moved to Mexico and then Utila, Bay Islands, to work as an instructor. Its working for me, and very nicely too. I am now Manager of a large shop here with over 400 certfications and 1000 plus dives. I love my life!

My advice for you is to work hard, get yourself qualified beyond just OWSI (get your MSDT) and learn a language other than English if possible. You also need to select the place you work carefully, especially if you only speak English (as I do).

You will not make a fortune, although I have one friend earning $4000 USD per month in Caymen, but you can certainly make a living, lead a very pleasant life and be the envy of all those you leave behind. You will keep a young attitude to life, avoid grey hairs and be happy... but never be rich.

If thats what you want then go for it, fasten your seat belt and hang on for a great time!

Thats my POV.... good luck... and just one thing, it doesnt work for everyone!

Best of luck

Ok, I'm sorry I have not updated this for a while...but have been in the midst of my IDC! It's been incredibly tough and challenging, but I feel like it has changed me as a person and as a diver. I feel tougher and more focused and more confident. So it's obviously done me good! I have passed my IDC as of this morning, and now I face the final test.... THE I.E.!
It starts in about 2 hours....and lasts for about 2 days...so I am going to have a quick siesta and hope for the best! Will let you all know if I pass!
Congratulations on the IDC! Let us know how you do on the IE. If you did well in the IDC, then you should do just fine on the IE. Keep it simple in your mind and follow your training. Right now you're a better, more confident diver than you've ever been!

By the way, I'm a full-time educational administrator and part-time dive instructor who plans to transition to full-time dive instructor one day when I feel like I'm financially secure enough to make the change.
Ok, I'm sorry I have not updated this for a while...but have been in the midst of my IDC! It's been incredibly tough and challenging, but I feel like it has changed me as a person and as a diver. I feel tougher and more focused and more confident. So it's obviously done me good! I have passed my IDC as of this morning, and now I face the final test.... THE I.E.!
It starts in about 2 hours....and lasts for about 2 days...so I am going to have a quick siesta and hope for the best! Will let you all know if I pass!

Next big step, all the best but I am sure you will do well.
There must have have been many who thought you would never get this far, well you have shown them. Stick at it.
Oh My GOD! My nerves are on a knife edge!
I passed all my theory exams and general standards last night with 100% all round. That was the easy part (for me). Today was confined water and classroom knowledge presentations, which made me a little nervous, but I passed with high grades all round again. So that just leaves tomorrow. Open water teaching and rescue assessment. I have to teach and control a free descent...and that makes me extremely nervous...so many areas on which I could get caught out by those sneaky examiners. I won't sleep tonight!

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