Was referencing an old thread that grew to "inside joke" status after many years...
I would love to see a tank explode...
Six years and >2800 replies!
Ah, I missed the joke.

Funny now that I understand...
No doubt I'd like to see something implode, too... Never seen that before.
speedyal, I hear the "Navy Seal" story all the time. That and Jacques Cousteau. ...And the "helped invent scuba diving" story, with it's bastard child, "I didn't invent it, but I was the first HERE to scuba dive..."
I once had a trusted friend tell me, straight-faced, that he was Jacques Cousteau's college roomate. He was an older gentleman, so it sounded plausible except for the fact that he and my mother grew up together here, locally, in little Beaufort, SC. The age difference between he and Jacques would have been something like 20 years or so, but he told the story as seriously as anyone could.
He got a little mad at me when I asked him if he graduated from the French Naval Academy in the early 1940's, knowing doggone good and well that he graduated Beaufort High School in the early 1960's.
"Doggone it, boah, I's didn' know y'all could speak da French! Parley-vooz Fransais?" He turned white as a ghost, not knowing how to reply...
When people tell you stories like that, it's because you seem intimidating to them... They want to play, too, and imagine that you're doing all kinds of diving and exploration, and are pretty much Mike Nelson's second cousin. Be flattered that your buddy made up such a fantastic story so that he could "play in your pool" with you. Smile, nod, and say, "Wow! That's unbelievable! Then what happened?"
Nobody dove after their buddy to 800' on a single tank and made it back to tell the story.

But you don't have to let him know that you know that.