JustJoe:A quick question for you then. Have you ever been in a low vis dive where out of nowhere a big bull shark came by and checked you out? When do you think he knew you were there?
Even if you have a bang stick, and scuba and whatever else you take, you are still not as aware of your surroundings as this shark. He smells you, senses your presence long before you know he is there. You are lower on the food chain, even with your higher brain functions. The apex predator could attack you before you even knew it was there.
Just a thought.
The real issue that arises here is not whether some person gets smacked by a fish, or that sharks have better perception under water, but that people begin to see these creatures as a threat. Historically mankind makes threats extinct.....there are no living creatures that prey upon mankind, we, as a species, saw to that some millenia ago...