5mm waste of money?

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Henderson, Colorado
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200 - 499
I'm diving in Cabo in early Nov. I hear temperatures can change quickly this time of year and was wondering about a 5mm. I have a 3mm and a 7mm. I use my 3mm for 70-80 degree water and my 7mm for water under 60. I have never dove water inbetween. I looked at some vests, but they are almost as expensive as a jumpsuit. Renting is an option but I'm 6'6'' 270lbs and sometimes it is hard to find xxl or even xxxl suits. Any suggestions?
3mm hooded vest. I have one that I use under my 3mm, and have made short dives into 58 degree water reasonably comfortably. Paid about $49 for mine.
I'm diving in Cabo in early Nov. I hear temperatures can change quickly this time of year and was wondering about a 5mm. I have a 3mm and a 7mm. I use my 3mm for 70-80 degree water and my 7mm for water under 60. I have never dove water inbetween. I looked at some vests, but they are almost as expensive as a jumpsuit. Renting is an option but I'm 6'6'' 270lbs and sometimes it is hard to find xxl or even xxxl suits. Any suggestions?
I asked a similar question a while back; http://www.scubaboard.com/showthread.php?t=110739 take notice of the locations of the replies. It's different for everyone, depending on what you're used to. I bought a 2.5mm shorty at my LDS for less than $50. A 7mm wetsuit would have been over $100. I don't care much for hoods. Wish I could tell you if it's working out......:crying: I'm missing the Dixie Divers Vortoberfest!!! At this very moment, they are probably finishing the first dive :crying:
I'm diving in Cabo in early Nov. I hear temperatures can change quickly this time of year and was wondering about a 5mm. I have a 3mm and a 7mm. I use my 3mm for 70-80 degree water and my 7mm for water under 60. I have never dove water inbetween. I looked at some vests, but they are almost as expensive as a jumpsuit. Renting is an option but I'm 6'6'' 270lbs and sometimes it is hard to find xxl or even xxxl suits. Any suggestions?

If you have the money to burn, well water temps between 60-70F is what a 5mm is made for. You could also dive the 7mm. Until I went dry, I used my 7mm in water temps of 62F, and I'm not sure I'd want to be in a 5mm at that temp if one is doing multiple dives.

Also keep in mind that thermoclines can make what starts out to be comfortable dive, into a less than comfortable one. I don't have experience at Cabo, so I'm really not sure what the water temps are like. If they are below 70F, then IMO 7mm, or purhase the 5mm. If they are below 65F, than IMO just go with the 7mm. A bit less comfortable, but I'd rather be too warm than cold.

A core warmer or vest is also an option, but IMO not for water less than 65F.
Until I can save enough pennies to afford a drysuit, I'm also diving with 3/2 mm and 7/6 mm wetsuits.

I agree with Ron, since they aren't that expensive (relatively) I'm probably going to get a 5/4 mm for 65°-75° water (think south Florida in the winter).

It may not seem like much but every additional mm in a wetsuit means more weight on the weightbelt and a wider compression swing at depth.
I started getting cold when doing drift dives or longish stops wearing my 3mm. I will get a 5/4/3 next year for dives above 65-70 degrees and wear the drysuit for anything colder.
If I were to buy a vest, do you wear the vest under or over your suit?

Generally over. Vests add warmth, but not a ton. When diving my 7mm, I have felt water seeping down my back AFTER my second dive, so it seals well. With my 3mm I'm wet, and there is a lot more water circulation which can make one cold. The vest will help reduce some of that, and add some warmth, but it's not going to work as well as a full suit.

However they are inexpensive. Then again,


That is not going to break the bank.
If I were to buy a vest, do you wear the vest under or over your suit?

It can depend with what vest you get and how your suit fits to begin with.
I wear my chicken vest under my full suit and it layers great with my 3,5, and 7mm suits.
This thing seals to your skin, seals to your face, and mutes the water migration to your neck and back zipper. I have worn this and my 5/4mm Velocity to skindive in the 40sF. That vest and my 7mm full suit is perfect for summertime shore dives here in Maine.

Now that it's getting colder I wear this vest over my 7mm fullsuit.
Same story but on top. I have also layered this with my 5/4 with good results. If you have a hot core your limbs can tolerate a little less rubber.

I would use the 7mm suit you have. Depending how small the 3mm packs, maybe you can haul both. In case you are sweating :wink:

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