shakeybrainsurgeon:Every year, about a dozen boys are killed playing high school football...imagine your son dies on the field and the only responses you get are
1) well, it's a high risk sport, he knew what he was getting in to
2) every player is responsible for his own mistakes, we just bus them to the game
3) you signed a waiver
4) people are free to die playing a game if they want
5) hey, don't be quick to judge us! wait til the facts are in (but we won't tell them to anyone anyway and wait until the whole thing blows over).
6) don't call deaths in high school as unacceptable, that's too idealistic and strong a word! death is always going to happen!
I think I understand your question... but would ask, "Which of the above statements are untrue in ANY way?" Maybe the issue is that we can think it, understand it and believe it... but we just aren't supposed to say it?