2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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Another 40 min on the predesigned "hard" workout on the wii. Software is not as good as the wii fit. Very touchy and if I don't have the remote or nunchuk in the exact right position it doesn't register. Grrrh.. then as I was doing the pullups with the resistance band. Stand on band, hold in each hand, with the remote in one, nunchuk in other and pull to armpits. hold. repeat. easy enough. 'Cept, the knot int he band slipped through the little holder and slapped me on the way to the floor! OUCH! I bet I have a good black n blue mark there now! LOL
Got a new pair of sneakers, most minimal I could find (Cheap), that will help me transition. Wanted to run last night after the workout, but had a commitment and couldn't do it. Tonight another appointment, but hope to run after that.
WOW! What a day! As of last night at 10 pm with a couple beers in me I learned that high tide at Blue Heron Bridge today was 8:42 AM. Quick math noted that I would have to leave the house at least 2 hours before that! Ok, I thought...IF I get up early, without the alarm, maybe I'll go. LOL Woke up at 5:50, grabbed gear, fed critters and took off.
Lots of divers there. I planned on going solo, but an instructor friend showed up with a student. We agreed to meet up underwater, so I took off for the salty depths. :)
1:45 later I surfaced. Easy dive. Did end up meeting my friend and student and we hung out together for a little while, taking a nice easy path of least resistance... looking at all the critters.
Tex-Mex for early lunch, then came home. Cleaned gear. Nap. Got up and still tired, but keep relaxed. Decided to take the pups to the park. 1:15 min easy, slow, run, with the last 15 min barefoot. I earned my bed tonight! LOL
Hello, All! Love to see so much support for each other here :)

I haven't been around here (or anywhere really) much lately so have kind of lost touch with a lot of people. I'd like to hop back into this thread as I'm just starting on getting a bit fitter again after a very long break of neglecting myself. Last week I joined a similar thread on another board I visit, but they aren't terribly supportive, more like they just kind of check in whenever and don't get in there for the next guy, you know?

Anyhoo, this has always been such a great place with great people and I missed it :)
WOW! I was just thinking of you the other day and wondering how you're doing. Glad you popped in!

Sunday- another 1:45 min dive. Slept for 4 hours! Guess I was tired!!!
Tonight I was on the wii with 40 min (hard) core exercises. First half legs, second half arms. Then to went out for a mile run. Got to see if these shoes will work for the 1/2 on pavement. They have been good on grass....I picked up the pace a bit. Normal for me is a pokey 15 min/mile. I look down at my watch to see that 12 min has already passed and am very disappointed. Another 15 min mile and I am huffing and puffing really pushing myself. This sucks. Finish the mile. Stop the watch and look to see that the 12xx I was looking at was steps, not time.. and I finished in 12:58!!! Whoo hoo!!
Tuesday- 50 min light running in shoes, then tossed them aside and went barefoot for 15 wonderful minutes. I realized as I was running barefoot that I was smiling. Who the heck smiles when running?? I DO I DO!! Love the barefootn'! 94xx steps in 65 min.
Hi there! I have been out of commission with an ear issue. Swam last night for the first time in about 9 days and it felt wonderful. 50 minutes, over a mile. I stopped counting laps after about 13. Hope everyone is well in here!
glad to see ya posting. It was getting lonely in here.
This morning I did 40 min wii EA Sports Active, Hard, then a 1/2 + run barefoot, 1318 steps. First time that far on pavement. Felt good, and probably went as far as I could. Pavement is much rougher than the soft grass that I am used to.
That's amazing Jenny. Are you going completely barefoot or with your special shoes?

(and sorry you were lonely!)
Naked feet!!!!
I'm not really even running in the VFFs. I wear them to kick around in and stuff. But when I go to the doggie park, I am barefoot. Love the different textures.. grass, concrete, a little pavement, some dirt with stones and my favorite, the fallen leaves with twigs under the trees.

Interested in barefoot running?
Read "born to Run" by christopher McDougall. HOT! HOT HOT book. There are 10 copies at our local library, and I was on a waiting list to read it!
There is also a pretty good book (though I haven't read it yet), The Barefoot Running Book by Jason Robillard.
Friday night- 50 min on the wii then a 1/2 mile run. Barefoot. On pavement. In the rain. Through puddles. Fun.
I am really enjoying the wii sports active. It is a bit more intense than the wii fit, and I like their pre programmed workouts. I found my weakness. Jumping. Jump squats are killer for me. However, I shall push through and reap the rewards.

Kayak is on car. Lending it out to somebody as surface support while we swim wayyyy out to the reef. Going with a group and they claim we can hit a depth of 40ft. off the beach. But the swim is 2/3 of a mile.

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