2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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Little sadness set in today. 6mo in the program and I was hoping for 100lbs lost, but I only made 98lbs. Another goal out the window.

WHAT??? You're bummed you "only" lost 98lbs???
Need I smack you upside the head with a fin??? HELLLOOOOOOO!!!!! 98 lbs is rockin'. That's AWESOME!!!!!!! So what if you didn't reach your goal. At least you set one!!!! Better to shoot for the stars and reach the moon, than to never shoot for anything...
Now, get up off the pity pot and do 100 crunches! :whip:
Now I really feel bad...yet another woman wants to hit me with a fin and wb416 is trying to feed a diabetic a doughnut. Great I didn't make my goal and people are trying to kill me....:D
Hi Everyone.

Why I'm here: I went for 2 short, fairly shallow boat dives on Sunday, where I had more trouble getting geared up then I should have and sucked more air then I should have.

Current Weight: 145lbs (5'3")

Goals: 130lbs
Able to job 3 miles in about 30 min

I had been riding my bike and doing some weight training inconsistently, so today I went to the gym and used an exercise bike for 30 minutes. I'm planning on doing some weight training tomorrow and then back to the bike.
Welcome DarkFrog!
I ran at the doggie park last night. I was close to finishing my first mile when I jammed my foot on a root. Didn't trip, but did a good stumble and recovery. Limped for a few yards and had to go to a walk. Walked for about a minute and then started back with a tenative slow run. Eventually I kicked my shoes off for the last 1/2 hour, for a 65 min run. Went to bed with ice on the ankle/back of foot and couldn't walk this morning. No real swelling, and after a while I did get walking. Still ouchie, but walkable. Think I will take the evening off from exercise.
Wanted to take it easy tonight. So I took the pups to the park with the intention of just walking. I did pretty good barefoot walking, but caught myself running one time. Came home and did 30 min on the wii Active, EASY. Then did my body check on the wii fit. I gained a pound. %$*(*&))U&&$#*(&%$%$()(!!!!!!!!!
1 pound....now it's my turn with the fin. That could be anything, water retention, muscle gain, time of day, what you were wearing or even machine error. I'm thinking being concerned about your foot, good idea, worry about the dogs, bills or dinner, all good ideas. 1 pound I wouldn't be concerned about unless it brings some friends next time.
Unlike you who has lost so much weight. I have been trying for months to lose weight and it just aint coming off. So, one pound is more of a slap in the face than anything else. Only thing I have not done to lose weight is count calories. I've changed my diet, been to doctors to make sure everything checks out, stepped up my exercise, varied my exercise, blah, blah, blah and I don't lose a friggin pound!

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